Sometimes they slip up and speak truth.
But the German Food and Agriculture Minister actually said, Hunger is no argument against bio diversity and protection of the climate.”
Mind you, this isn’t the climate director, this is the head of food and agriculture saying that you going hungry for the sake of the climate is a sacrifice he’s willing to make. All departments in a leftist government are climate departments, I guess. There’s nothing that can’t be blamed on climate change and there’s nothing that starving you won’t fix.
Buck Throckmorton at Ace of Spades wrote:
The zealots of the Sustainable Organic Church Of The Carbon Apocalypse are no longer hiding the fact that they expect many of you to die in order for them to achieve their green utopia. (Isn’t it weird how left-wing utopias always have such an awful body count?)
The German Food and Agriculture Minister, Cem Özdemir, recently stated that “Hunger is no argument against bio diversity and protection of the climate.”
In other words, the Food Minister has assented to starving the German public in order to achieve political ends desired by Germany’s ruling class.
The enviro-ghouls trying to impose their agenda on us have truly reached the “Some of you will have to die, and that is a sacrifice we’re willing to make” stage of their revolution.
Believe them when they say these things. This is what they mean. The stuff they say when they’re talking to the rubes isn’t true. They hate you and believe there should be less of you.
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