Kristen Hawkins of Students for Life arrived at the John Paul II Newman Center near the University of Nebraska-Omaha’s Scott Campus to find a threatening note saying the center will be shot up if a law restricting abortion is passed.

Kristen Hawkins tweeted about that was signed “Jane’s Revenge.” For those who’ve been living under a rock, Jane’s Revenge is a pro-abortion group that has taken responsibility for and advocated for violence and vandalism against pro-life organizations.

In the past few months there have been dozens of attacks, including vandalism, graffiti, and firebombing of Christian and Catholic Churches as well as crisis pregnancy centers.

According to Gateway Pundit, another threatening note was found at the Christ Community Church in Omaha.

“Friends, earlier today, CCC staff found a threatening note taped to an outside door at CCC. The note claims to be from the abortion rights extremist group, Jane’s Revenge, and makes threats against our Lead Minister and the church relating to an abortion policy discussion taking place in the City of Bellevue,” Christ Community Church said in a message to members on Sunday.

But law enforcement is on it. Don’t you worry. Maybe they’ll take a break from rounding up pro-lifers to look into this Jane’s Revenge organization.