The U.S. Bishops’ Religious Liberty Chairman, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, issued a comment on the leaked FBI memo which vowed to infiltrate “radical traditionalist Catholic” groups because of their link to white supremacy.


“Let me first be clear: anyone who espouses racism or promotes violence is rejecting Catholic teaching on the inherent dignity of each and every person. The USCCB roundly condemns such extremism and fully supports the work of law enforcement officials to keep our communities safe.

“I agree with my brother Bishop Barry Knestout that the leaked memorandum was nonetheless ‘troubling and offensive’ in several respects – such as in its religious profiling and reliance on dubious sourcing – and am glad it has been rescinded. We encourage federal law enforcement authorities to take appropriate measures to ensure the problematic aspects of the memo do not recur in any of their agencies’ work going forward.”

Wow. How defended do those traditionalists feel?

This is an insult to Catholics. By first issuing the caveat that takes up half of his comment saying we don’t go for all that racism nonsense, it kinda’ takes away the power of the second part, doesn’t it?

The accusation leveled by the FBI is absurd and without merit. By treating it as if it deserved to be countered you’re respecting the accusation itself.

This was the most powerful intelligence agency in the world demonizing a group of faithful Catholics and what happened? They got a mealy mouthed statement from a cardinal talking out of both sides of his mouth.


The FBI has sized up its enemy and found him lacking. They know they can do whatever they’d like to Catholics and nobody will say a word.