The left has clearly chosen a side in the conflict between Hamas and Israel. Why have they chosen to side with Hamas, the most illiberal, patriarchal, anti-gay group in the world? Because Israel is viewed by them as an oppressor and the people of Gaza are victims and therefore whatever they do can be explained away as the desperate act of a victim attempting to throw off the shackles of an oppressor.
This may not raise any alarm bells yet but guess who else they view as an oppressor? Um…and I don’t know how to break this to you but it’s…you. If you’re reading this it’s probably you. The left sees the Catholic Church and conservative Christians entirely as oppressors. In fact, they may be the ultimate oppressor, the Big Boss behind all the other bosses.
Prepare for the final Boss Battle.
Let’s look at what they say about Christians and the Catholic Church. The Church is anti-gay, anti-woman and a bunch of prudes who want to tell everyone what they can or can’t do in the bedroom.
On a side note I’m always befuddled how we’re accused of being anti-woman and of worshipping the Virgin Mary at the same time. We’re also accused of being prudes and then of having too many children. Hey, logic was never a virtue of the left.
Islamic residents of Gaza are seen as victims even though are actually patriarchal, anti-woman, and anti-gay. So it has nothing to do with the group’s actual views. So what does it have to do with?
Is the left anti-white? Certainly that. And the Israelis are mainly viewed as white, except when leftists point out that Jesus wasn’t white, which they love to do as if this would somehow turn Christians away.
In reality, it’s all about power. The left doesn’t have a consistent ethic. It doesn’t particularly care about women, gays, or really anything other than power. They know the Catholic Church is the greatest impediment to their construction of a leftist utopia so the Church is the oppressor and must be overthrown and tossed aside.
They’ve made incredible headway in the past few decades with a great assist from many in the Church.
The power they seek is to remake the world how they see fit. And if you stand with the Church and believe in her teachings you are an enemy. You are an oppressor.
This has happened in every leftist revolution. The French Revolution attacked the Church and killed countless Catholics. The Soviet Union was declared an atheist state and persecuted Christians. China, the same. Vietnam, the same. Cuba, the same.
They will come for you too…eventually. As they prepare for their final boss battle just know that boss may be you.
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