The 6th Circle of Hell
——The Editorial Staff at the National Catholic Reporter is despondent!

Famous Last Words
——Scientists try to create synthetic life, what could possibly go wrong?

Endorsing a Vampire
——Anne Rice chooses the un-dead over the un-born.

Reasonable Pastoral Objections
——A List of good excuses not to offer the Latin Mass.

For Whom the Bell Tolls
——Bells ring to call the crabby.

Pope says he’s sending envoy to quake-stricken Peru
——CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy (AP) – Pope Benedict XVI said Sunday that he is sending his top aide to quake-stricken Peru as a sign of his concern.

Pope Benedict XVI says that true peace, the peace of Jesus, is not free from division
——“The peace that Jesus brings is the fruit of a constant struggle against evil”, Pope Benedict XVI told the faithful today. And he explained that that struggle can result in division.

EWTN to broadcast ‘Latin Mass’
——EWTN and the FSSP join forces to make history.

Abortion Looms over NYC
——Give us back the public debate.

The Population Bomb Has Exploded
——U.N. is shocked by what it has done.