While I would be happy if he could just keep my Outlook from crashing, Microsoft Founder Bill Gates has loftier goals. From the WSJ.

In a speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, the software tycoon plans to call for a “creative capitalism” that uses market forces to address poor-country needs that he feels are being ignored.

“We have to find a way to make the aspects of capitalism that serve wealthier people serve poorer people as well,” Mr. Gates will tell world leaders at the forum, according to a copy of the speech seen by The Wall Street Journal.

While I am definitely for helping poor people, somehow I don’t think that Bill Gates has the answers. Neither does Dan at the Daily Danet. In one of the more clever pieces I have read in a while, Dan looks to the future of a world run by Bill Gates’ version of Capitalism.

January 24, 2008
Microsoft founder Bill Gates today announced a project to “fix” capitalism, so that it better servers poor and developing nations. The project, tentatively titled the “Modified System for Distribution Of Services”, will be unveiled in 6 months. “This project will bring wealth to the masses in the same way that Microsoft brought computer technology to the masses,” noted Mr. Gates in Davos….


March 4, 2009
After several delays, the Bill Gates capitalism project has finally been launched. The system, now called Capitalism 2.0, was unveiled at a ceremony in Redmond, Washington. The system will be adopted by Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi and Rwanda as a new form of government and economic regulations. Several other developing nations are taking a wait and see approach. Mr. Gates, in a planned mock-up demonstration of the system, was able to sustain a 12% growth rate and unemployment below 2%. Critics are concerned….


October 28, 2009
Tribal conflict continues to plague central Africa as the Microsoft economy struggles to take root. “We’re still experiencing some minor system bugs,” notes one Microsoft delegate to Burundi. “The beta testing didn’t uncover as many problems as we had hoped,” noted Mr. Gates from Redmond, Washington, “and the Payola Virus has corrupted the system in Rwanda.” Nonetheless, Mr. Gates hopes that Capitalism 2.1 will resolve most of these issues…

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