Irony is absolutely lost on some people.
Would you find it ironic if I used a large platform to demean and demonize those whom I find distasteful for my own ideological reasons. What if I were, through a series of ridiculous anecdotes and mindless non sequiturs, to project everything evil on to those I really know nothing about. And then, then I were to claim that my doing so was a call to arms against narcissism and a defense of the gospel.
That would, along with being ridiculously stupid, be very ironic, no? Somehow I think that the irony is lost on Anthony Stevens-Arroyo of the On Faith blog.
Stevens-Arroyo accuses younger priests of a more traditional bent of clerical narcissism. His attempt to prove his case reveals a mind so narrow that the chasm between his ears requires a donkey for tours.
I was prompted to sound this alarm when reading about the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy. The group describes itself as “an association of 600 Roman Catholic Priests and Deacons pledged to the pursuit of personal holiness, loyalty to the Roman Pontiff, commitment to theological study and strict adherence to the authentic teachings of the Magisterium.”
Absent from their list of priorities is the Gospel, pastoral concern for lay Catholics, or commitment to social justice teachings. I have no reason to doubt that these priests would outshine me in personal holiness and outdo me in virtue. Perhaps they would say that Gospel values are already included when pledging loyalty to the Roman Pontiff or that they do not view the pursuit of personal holiness as opposed to ministry. But the Confraternity must assume responsibility not only for what it says, but also for how it is understood.
The pursuit of personal holiness is anti-gospel? Say what? What come next boggles. Boggles. As evidence Stevens-Arroyo relays a third hand anecdote about a young priest who didn’t want to do bingo night. Then he tells tale of seeing a young priest in public and the fact that he didn’t like the cut his jib in a coffee shop because he was so showy– he wore a cassock. A CASSOCK! But just in case you didn’t know that cassock wearing priests are evil narcissists, he tells us that the young priests order was later expelled from the diocese.
Stevens-Arroyo conveniently leaves out the fact that the order was suppressed by former Bishop of Scranton, Joseph Martino. A bishop who Stevens-Arroyo would likely accuse of many of the same sins as that young priest. Scratch that likely part. This is some of the descriptors used in the past by Stevens-Arroyo for said bishop. “The obnoxious, spiritually deformed, obnoxious, micro-managing, Republican sounding, out-of-step, theologically faulty, hated, Palin-esque, Roberto Duran-ish, obsolete, inefficient, polluting, control freak Bishop Joseph Martino. “
I don’t know about you, but some might consider attacking those whom you don’t like by means of third-hand anecdotes, innuendo, name calling, and guilt by association might be considered narcissistic by some. Others might disagree. I think what we can all agree on, it certainly isn’t Christian. So much for the Gospel.
Perhaps if Stevens-Arroyo pursued a little personal holiness, like the priests that he casually derides, he would be better off. I know we would be.
February 5, 2010 at 7:02 am
I don't know about you, but some might consider attacking those whom you don't like by means of third-hand anecdotes, innuendo, name calling, and guilt by association might be considered narcissistic by some.
Throw flat-out falsehoods in there and I can think of a couple of different folks– generally very good people!– who are prone to lapsing into such…tactics.
Yes, it is ironic.
February 5, 2010 at 1:06 pm
Methinks I sense a case of platform envy emanating from this post.
On a better note, since I haven't "seen" you around here lately, I have two questions for you, Foxfier:
1. Are you a mom yet?
2. Is that why you are up at 2:02 AM?
February 5, 2010 at 2:12 pm
Hehe, yeah– Kit makes it VERY hard to type most of the time during the day, and she has Elf's sleep patterns.
My hunt-and-peck typing has never been faster….
February 5, 2010 at 2:45 pm
I almost pine for the days of lost sleep now that mine are older. Diaper changes and feeding are alot easier to deal with than homework and puberty.
My wife is getting mushy, too, since there are a lot of women who have gotten pregnant at her workplace recently.
It sounds like you and yours are doing well and that's good to know. 🙂
Thanks for the update!
February 5, 2010 at 2:50 pm
What do you even say to someone who puts "pursuit of personal holiness … and strict adherence to the authentic teachings of the Magisterium" in opposition with "the Gospel, pastoral concern for lay Catholics, or commitment to social justice teachings". It's a lack of logic nearing insanity.
My only guess at explaining it is that his version of Christianity is founded completely on sentimentality – to steal a phrase from Fr. Longenecker "all puppies and kittens and Jesus carried me on the beach when I only saw one set of footprints." I find it quite ironic that this sentimentality leads to such violent diatribes.
P.S. isn't Fr. Trigilio the head of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy? His book, Catholicism for Dummies, is what brought be back to the Church after the steady diet of felt and fluff I received since childhood drove me away from the Church.
February 5, 2010 at 3:00 pm
Craig– thank you for asking!
Ooh, good point. As TV Tropes put it: Good doesn't have to mean nice. (Could this be another Mommy Church/Daddy Church thing?)
February 5, 2010 at 6:33 pm
I would also have to echo what Brian said.
I think it says quite a bit about the author when he does not consider the Gospel, pastoral concern for the laity or social justice to be part of the authentic teachings of the Magisterium.
February 5, 2010 at 7:24 pm
Two thoughts come to mind here:
We're missionary Church here in America. That means that we're not supposed to be living the culture status quo, but working and living in the culture to EVANGELIZE it. What better way than through the public wearing of a cassock?
And the other thought is that too many "Catholics" are too busy trying to get comfy here on earth, outreach instead of upreach, that kind of thing. But where is our Master's Kingdom? Here, or in Heaven??? Things that make you go hmmm….
February 5, 2010 at 9:37 pm
Never heard of Stevens-Arroyo. On Faith's not on any trully excellent, orthodox Blogroll. It's the same nonsense far th loony secular left, if we don't "care" about peace and justice we're for keeping women barefoot and pregnant and other evil stuff. Is he a bore or what?