You are going to hear a lot of spin about this comment of the President to Bob Woodward.
The White House will try to tell you that this comment is about the strength of the American people, about our resiliency. But…
Word choices matter. Hey, we all know that another attack is a possibility, maybe even a probability. We know this. I don’t blame the President for being candid about this, even to try and prepare us for it. But…
Absorb. Think about that word. I think we can survive another terrorist attack. I think we can overcome another terrorist attack. We can endure another terrorist attack. I believe we will be undaunted even in the face of another terrorist attack. But absorb?
For me, absorb means that you take a blow without caring much about it. You take a blow and move on. You take a blow and you do not retaliate. You absorb it.
The White House will spend the next few days trying to convince us otherwise, but this is what absorb means to me. If and when we are hit again, Obama will do nothing. He will absorb it and move on. He wants us to do the same.
The point? Our reaction to 9/11 made things worse. President Obama will rise above. Even in the face of attack, President Obama will remember who the true enemy is. Us.
September 22, 2010 at 9:33 pm
Anon – the Mohammedan advance/agenda is an entirely separate issue. One which should be in the news every single day.
As for my wife and children, that is precisely one the reasons I got upset. Eveytime the TV (not at our house, but EVERYWHERE else) was turned on, that was the scene being shown. As a parent, I resented having to constantly shield my then 5 and 2-year-old from it. They shouldn't have been subjected to that. We mourned in our own way and on our own timetable, just as we do any tragedy. If you can't "get over it", then that's your issue, NOT mine.
I'm also wondering if anyone here mourned even half as much as when the Kenya and Tanzania bombings took place from the same group a few years earlier.
September 22, 2010 at 10:11 pm
My kids were 1 and 3 at the time. They were completely oblivious to what was going on. I didn't let them watch the footage. While I agree that the constant footage of the planes and the towers coming down was too much, it is important that we don't forget about what happened.
I feel compassion for the people who lost loved ones and it is sad that you seem to not feel any.
I don't understand what Kenya and Tanzania has to do with 9/11. Did the people of Kenya and Tanzania mourn for us?
September 22, 2010 at 10:42 pm
David L. Alexander, I have not said "Oh yes he is" or it's equivalent. You may need a remedial reading course if you think I did.
I've been trying to point out that claiming his membership in a Christian church isn't sufficent proof to many intelligent folk who have far more first hand knowledge of taquia than most Americans.
Now if you can discount the personal experiences of various foreign nationals and their American relatives, go for it. But your argument as presently stated is insufficent.
September 22, 2010 at 11:47 pm
Anon – you are tedious and cowardly for making such assertions anonymously. No need to respond to them.
September 23, 2010 at 2:36 am
Once again–if things aren't done your way— then it is wrong. Bitchy and immature as expected. Who appointed you God?
September 23, 2010 at 2:43 am
Yes..and interesting choice of words…we will see what the truth is behind them when it happens
September 23, 2010 at 5:12 am
LOL! Nice mouth. Do you devour your young with that thing?
September 23, 2010 at 5:24 am
Getting to the post without commenting on the sidetrack of the comments; Patrick is right about this Ivy-League President's choice of the word 'absorb', and image it connotes. America, as a body of people, took/absorbed a blow from Islamofascism, and America , as a body of people, was hurt by that terrorist strike, both physically, and emotionally/psychologically. I don't think we are stronger for having absorbed that first blow, and to 'absorb another terrorist strike, would further injure us as a nation. Judging by the comments, it's plain to me that 9-11 is still an open wound.
September 28, 2010 at 3:06 pm
Early Riser: You are a complete idiot.