So I am sure you have heard. ABC has an ‘explosive’ new interview in which Newt second wife is gonna cut him off at the knees by revealing just how big a jerk he is.
Considering that we know that Newt was cheating on his first wife when he married the second and cheating on the second when he went for the third and we know that is not the news, it must be real bad.
Hell hath no fury like the woman you cheated with and then cheated on, no sir.
I have always known (and have written several times) that Newt would blow up. I didn’t know how or when, but I knew it would happen. Don’t get me wrong, I hope that Newt’s conversion was sincere and I can only assume that it is. But when you have been that big a (documented) jerk for that long, these things are gonna come up and, conversion or no conversion, your history and your behavior matter.
So if the ABC story is to be believed, Newt is in all likelihood finished. So do us all a favor Newt, get out. Now. It is the best thing for you, your family, and your party. Give a conservative alternative a chance to defeat Romney without you siphoning a crucial 8% for the next few primaries.
You gave it a shot, but there is just too much history. You don’t have a shot, but you can still make sure we have one.
January 19, 2012 at 3:38 am
This comment has been removed by the author.
January 19, 2012 at 3:41 am
Newt didn't have a chance anyway. Ex-wife's story doesn't matter. The Communists want to keep their comrade in the White House and they will succeed because the voters are idiots. So it doesn't matter whether there's a "conservative" running against the commie or not. The media wants to reelect the commie and they will get it. End of story.
January 19, 2012 at 3:41 am
Let's actually see what this woman has to say before we go too crazy. I find it a tad suspicious that ABC won't actually show the video, and have let it be known that it is particularly harmful, just to let it spook the electorate. That said, it's funny that many of have said that at the very least, Newt doesn't have any skeletons in his closet because his closet's been pretty much exposed to the world to see. Maybe not.
January 19, 2012 at 4:10 am
"You don't have a shot, but you can still make sure we have one."
Unfortunately, that's not true (the latter part of your above statement). The outcome of the Republican primary was guaranteed before it even began: the nominee will be yet another establishment neo-con RINO – in this case, Romney. It doesn't matter what Newt or anyone else does at this point, and it wouldn't have mattered what anyone did earlier in the process, either. This is today's Republican party – the party that will always and only nominate neocons. Last election, the Democrats managed to nominate and elect one of the most liberal politicians in history. Yet the most the Republicans can ever manage to nominate are losers who are barely right of center (actually, even that much is questionable). Any Republican candidate who strongly represents true conservatism is torn down, and the ones who are at least decent conservative choices never come out on top as the nominee. Sad thing is – many folks who like to fancy themselves as real conservatives – such as Matt Drudge, folks at FoxNews and National Review – are the very ones working the hardest to ensure these neocons win, just like they are doing with Romney this year.
The Republicans nominated a neo-con last election and they will again this election (Romney). And guess what? They'll also nominate establishment, big-government, status quo neocons again in 2016, 2020, 2024, and on and on. And guess what else? The Republican sheeple voters will continue to always vote for these loser nominees in one election after another (as they always do), thereby "obeying" the establishment string-pullers and continuing to empower them to keep nominating losers.
This is the waste heap that is today's Republican party. A day in which we have one of the worst presidents in history, and the Republicans still manage to pick a loser who will most likely be defeated. To steal a quote I heard recently: if today's Republican party ran a funeral parlor, no one would die.
January 19, 2012 at 12:16 pm
Maybe Newt will just make the argument that finishes this posting's title: "I got better."
January 19, 2012 at 1:17 pm
Some would have said that Augustine Aurelius was a big jerk and adulterer too.
January 19, 2012 at 5:34 pm
Augustine repented with a just and pure life. Newt continues to serve us jerky daily. Who would he pick for the SC if he regularly joins ranks with the likes of pro-abortion, pro-homo Dede Scozzafava and Nancy Pelosi? He likes to share the love, both professionally and personally.
Lord, people believe the same lies about his private life that they believe about his public life. I am sure that the biggest enemy of conservatism are people who are endlessly generous with their trust although it is violated regularly by the same skeevy characters.
Newt is reformed! Newt is reformed! He told you so!
How about electing someone you would trust your daughter alone in a room with for five minutes. Could we at least agree upon that? I'll stick with the candidate that WON IOWA.
That would be Rick Santorum.
January 19, 2012 at 7:03 pm
@Blackrep: "How about electing someone you would trust your daughter alone in a room with for five minutes." Good test. Obama would try to get her an abortion.
January 20, 2012 at 12:10 am
As long as your dtr isn't a Muslim.