My son doesn’t look anything like Trayvon Martin, the boy so tragically killed in Florida. My son also doesn’t look anything like George Zimmerman, the man who shot him.
Does that mean that I shouldn’t care about either of them since they don’t look like me or my sons? President Obama seems to suggest so.
President Obama, ostensibly commenting on the Trayvon Martin case, but actually commenting on himself, both inadvertently and advertently, said “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon,” and suggested that the entire nation needed to do some “soul searching.”
President Obama, unlike the rest of us mortals, seems to have some magic insight into the motivation and reason for this tragedy and he doesn’t like what he sees. So the remedy he prescribes …
March 24, 2012 at 6:28 pm
The only thing Obama sees–or rather feels–is the last of his die-hard, oblivious to reason, constituency breathing down his neck.
March 25, 2012 at 5:18 am
Obama is a race-baiter as much as the likes of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Spike Lee, etc., you know the lineup; sick, evil people.
March 25, 2012 at 5:52 pm
*sigh* The great one-liners I just can't use, because they need real venom I can't manage….
"We need to do some soul searching? Don't worry, Mr. President– if I find yours, I'll tell you, then you can stop inciting racial hatred."
March 28, 2012 at 5:10 pm
these people have said anything and everything. NO MORE RACE BAITING OBAMA OR THE REST. Quit being ignorant and trying to set people against each other. We also would appreciate a real first lady who is proud of her country and not just proud of her 'man'. You people who believe that race is the best way to separate us citizens, your doing well! The intelligent will prevail. Pres, show us some real intelligence and stop all this foolish race baiting and seperatism, that is unless it is true that you are a "marxist or socialist". You actually have to answer this question. Because we the people will demand this of our next pres no more free rides