A student at Western Kentucky University
may have received college credit for desecreating crosses on a pro-life display.
The great Mike Adams of Townhall wrote:
As you already know, Hilltoppers for Life erected approximately 3,700 crosses in order to commemorate the number of babies aborted every day in the United States. On the morning of April 20th, Elaina Smith, an art student at your university, began placing condoms on each of the crosses. Members of Hilltoppers for Life confronted her peacefully and asked her to stop. She simply refused to do so. This young feminist did not seem to understand that no really means no.
When campus security officers arrived, they did nothing. That bears repeating: The police simply sat there and watched her break the law. That kind of laziness is appalling. It makes me wonder whether your police have tenure. Unbelievably, Ms. Smith told them she was completing an approved art assignment by desecrating the crosses. And the cops actually bought her “my professor made me do it” defense!
Your April 24th statement claims that Ms. Smith’s professor, Kristina Arnold, did not really intend to target the pro-life display. Unfortunately, Dr. Arnold contradicted that when she told WBKO that she did not disapprove of Ms. Smith’s proposed vandalism. She admitted that she knew of it in advance and did nothing whatsoever to stop it. So who is lying? Is it you or Dr. Arnold?
You see, free speech doesn’t actually include pro-lifers.
Hey, if this girl had 3,700 condoms, someone should tell her to bring them to Georgetown University. There’s a girl there who says she can’t find any birth control at all.
May 1, 2012 at 2:31 am
Art? Oh, that's alright then! – I had thought it was the malicious desecration of memorials to the souls of all those innocent babies brutally slaughtered each day by that evil association of commercial killers and their political and legal facilitators. The use of the prophylactic -symbolising sterile promiscuous non-loving sex – strongly and viciously suggests that each of those persons, represented by a holy cross, ought not to have lived. The disdainful treatment of those individual babies after death, for the promotion of a licentious pro-death ideology shows the demonic at work.
May 1, 2012 at 2:42 am
I would have walked behind her and took every single one off and threw them in the trash.
May 1, 2012 at 1:23 pm
Were the crosses on private property? If so, arrest the condom litterer. If on public property, all bets are off. Condoms would have removed the need for the cross.
May 1, 2012 at 5:22 pm
I work at this campus. Hilltoppers for Life are asking that the student who put the condoms on the crosses not be given credit for the class.
What kind of art project is that anyway?
May 1, 2012 at 8:09 pm
Amy, what is it that makes me suspicious the campus police would have stopped you?
May 1, 2012 at 8:54 pm
Ugh. Condoms are soooooo heteronormative. 😉
May 1, 2012 at 10:19 pm
Where's the outrage from the national media on this one? Let's flip the tables of this scenario: Suppose that a group of pro-life students desecrate a pro-choice student display. Or an opponent of gay marriage desecrates a pro-gay-rights display. You can bet your life-savings that the national media outlets would go ballistic with headlines like the following: "Anti-Abortion Extremists Vandalize Women's Advocacy Group Display" or "Anti-Gay Crusader Attacks Gay Rights Display". When does the selective, one-sided reporting in our news media ever end? When will people in this country ever start holding our news media accountable for their biases and double-standards?