The media has all but ignored the fact that dozens of Catholic institutions, including dioceses, are suing for their religious liberty.
But they’ve certainly found a Catholic story they like as Cardinal Donald Wuerl noticed.
As of right now, there are 120,000 mentions in Google News of the Pope’s butler leaking the Pope’s papers but only a little over 3,000 mentions of the 43 lawsuits against the HHS mandate filed by 43 Catholic dioceses and institutions including Notre Dame.
“Well, it is puzzling, particularly since they’re focusing so much attention right now on the Pope’s butler,” said Cardinal Wuerl. “It seems to me that somehow they’ve missed the boat. They’ve missed the story.”
Cardinal Wuerl got this right.
The Church gets the double whammy because not only is the media committed to protecting Obama, they also despise the Catholic Church.
You can read more at Newsbusters.
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