Hurricane Sandy coming my way. I have some thoughts.

1) Please pray for those in Sandy’s way.

2) As far as a personal intention, my neighbor has this huge tree with a branch right over our house. Please pray for the integrity of this branch…and my family.

3) My kids are treating this like it’s summer camp. They’re thrilled with being off from school and getting candles ready. They’re enjoying the preparations. We’re trying to keep it light.

4) A crass political thought. You know that the media is going to want to attack Mitt Romney for being insensitive and too rich to care in the wake of Frankenstorm so before the last raindrop even falls, he should be touring every state affected along the eastern seaboard. Heck, not just touring. He should be pulling puppies out of rubble.

5) If you’re told to evacuate, just evacuate because you’re not just playing with your life, you’re playing with the lives of the brave men and women who work as emergency personnel. So just get out. The stuff in your home is just stuff. It’s not worth lives.

Keep those prayers coming.
