Nothing like taking what they say is a “very serious women’s rights issue that should be between a woman and her doctor” and name it to mock Donald Trump. These people are so twisted over Trump’s win that they’ve forgotten that they’re supposed to pretend they actually care about people.

Catholic News Agency

Lawmakers in Massachusetts have passed new legislation that would ensure abortion remains legal in the state should the Supreme Court ever overturn Roe v. Wade. The full title of the bill is the “Negating Archaic Statutes Targeting Young Women Act,” but has been shortened to the “NASTY Women Act.”
The bill overturns an 1845 law that made “procuring a miscarriage” illegal. That law, and other similar laws in other states, were rendered null after the Supreme Court found a constitutional right to abortion in its decision in Roe v. Wade.
Laws outlawing abortion remain on the books in several states. Abortion advocates fear that, should the Supreme Court reverse itself, they would come back in to force automatically.

The title of the bill is a reference to a comment made by then-candidate Donald Trump during a presidential candidates debate on Oct. 19, 2016. Trump referred to Hillary Clinton as a “nasty woman,” and the phrase then became a rallying cry among some female Clinton supporters.
