Ok. It’s a super cute video but that’s not the reason I’m sharing. Look, I could do cute all day. There’s plenty of baby vids, puppy vids, cat vids, and even monkeys that I could put up if my goal were cute.

This is awesome. Wouldn’t this be a great turn of events in our society is women (and men) could do their news reports with babies. So many people are working from home right now or telecommuting part-time and taking care of children. Wouldn’t it be a good turn for our society to celebrate motherhood a little more openly? Or for that matter, parenthood in general.

I’d watch this a hundred times quicker than some random weather report because a baby in the mix means anything could happen. The kids could be cute like this baby, or the kid could totally freak out and cry, the kid could also vomit right there on the mom. You never know. So it would be like watching a weather report but with suspense.

I think it would be good for our society to show some work-life balance. Maybe some other women would decide that maybe they could handle it too.