Wait, you mean the child sex abuse crisis wasn’t merely a Catholic problem due to the practice of celibate priests?

NY Post:

Nearly 270 public educators were arrested on child sex-related crimes in the US in the first nine months of this year, ranging from grooming to raping underage students.

Only 43 of the alleged crimes, or 16%, did not involve students. It is not known whether another 10% of the alleged crimes involved students.

An analysis conducted by Fox News Digital found that from Jan. 1 to Sept. 30, at least 269 educators were arrested, which works out to roughly one arrest a day.

The 269 educators included four principals, two assistant principals, 226 teachers, 20 teacher’s aides and 17 substitute teachers.

At least 199 of the arrests, or 74%, involved alleged crimes against students.

The analysis looked at local news stories week by week featuring arrests of K-12 principals, assistant principals, teachers, substitute teachers and teacher’s aides on child sex-related crimes in school districts across the country. Arrests that weren’t publicized were not counted in the analysis, meaning the true number may well be higher.

Men also made up the vast majority, with over 80% of the arrests.

So what we have here is cultural rot, a contagion of depravity that was blamed squarely on the Church’s policy on celibate priests.

Soooo….where’s the movie about uncovering this crisis? Where is the news media on this?

Can you believe that the media would prioritize politics over uncovering child sex abuse?

Why the silence from the media about this public school scandal?

In honesty, they like public schools. The teacher’s union supports the Democrats. The media despises Catholic so the abuse crisis was an enemy worth having.

To be clear, I’m not defending the Church’s actions through the sex abuse crisis. You see, I’m sane. I ALWAYS root for children being protected. Always. But what I’m pointing out is that the media here is clearly choosing when to defend children.

Could it be they’re mostly ignoring this crisis because we’re in the middle of a national conversation in which parents are saying that schools should not be teaching children about sex and drag queens and talking to them IN SECRET about switching their gender?

Look, this is 269 so far THIS YEAR. This is not a looking back in the records and uncovering hundreds of child sex abuse cases from the 60’s and 70’s. These are ongoing cases. Maybe the same people who are essentially ignoring the public school sex abuse crisis shouldn’t be in charge of secret conversations about sex and gender with your children. Maybe? Yeah?

The media has already taken the sides of the schools on this. In fact, the parents have been labeled “domestic terrorists” for even questioning the school boards. So there’s no way they’re going to talk about this crisis going on right now.

These are the people who we’re supposed to trust with our future? The media and our teachers.

All of our institutions have turned against us. It is up to you to protect your children. They will be attacked from every angle. They have no earthly protection any more. The schools, the media, and the deep state have turned on you and your children.

Make sure you speak up and out for your children. Pray for courage. Pray for protection.