Somebody has not been reading their Mary Shelley.

Has Covid taught our expert class nothing? Don’t answer that.

But to be fair, there have been fewer mean tweets so there’s that. Biden administration is using Americans’ tax dollars to fund the creation of “humanized mice” with aborted babies’ organs at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA).

CNS News reports the university operates a Humanized Mouse Core Laboratory, which implants cells and organs from aborted babies into mice that scientists across the country use in research projects.

The lab, which began in the early 1990s, provides “humanized mice” to about 70 UCLA scientists and an unspecified number of others across the U.S., according to the Washington Post. Most of these researchers receive money from the taxpayer-funded National Institutes of Health (NIH) for their experiments.

To make the “humanize mice,” scientists take tissue from aborted babies, often liver, thymus and bone marrow, and implant it into the rodent’s body to simulate the human immune system, according to CNS News.

Hey, remember when pro-lifers were called crazy for saying abortion clinics were selling body parts?

These “scientists” will gleefully usher in an apocalypse and then blame you for pointing it out.

For these people human life is not sacred. It is their plaything. They can do with it what they want. They are the elites. You are not. You are the plaything.