Years ago, I was talking to a pro-lifer and he said he believed that pro-lifers should be investing in womb technology. I had no idea what he meant.

He said “science is on our side” which is something I agreed with. There’s a reason pro-aborts don’t want women seeing ultrasounds or understanding fetal development at all. It’s because the science is on our side. Babies are human.

But this guy went on. He said he foresaw a day where, if women wanted to abort their child, they could have the baby removed but put into an artificial womb where the baby would be adopted after growing in the artificial womb until they could breathe on their own.

I thought about this for a moment and became kind of excited. I thought that perhaps artificial wombs could end abortion. I remember driving home and it hit me. Something like this image came into my mind:

What seemed like a fine idea a moment before suddenly became a horror, like something out of Huxley’s worst nightmare.

Firstly, how would a baby thrive in an artificial womb without being in their mother, feeling her heartbeat, and feeling her love? A mother is more than a uterus. There are so many processes going on between a mother and a baby in her womb that we couldn’t possibly hope to recreate that. There’s just too much we don’t know. And what about that connection between a mother and a baby?

Without that, the baby might survive but thrive? There are so many unknowns. But that’s not stopping us from moving forward.

Science and Stuff reports that “The 2017 BioBag was an enormous breakthrough in artificial womb technology. The scientists behind the work grew eight fetal lambs for 105 to 120 days — about equivalent to human fetuses at 22 to 24 weeks of gestation. Then in March 2021, another milestone was achieved. Israeli scientists were able to grow mouse embryos for up to eleven days inside artificial wombs. What is remarkable about that achievement is that 11 days is over half of the full mouse gestational term.”

Many believe we are within ten years of a functioning artificial womb for humans. A company called EctoLife is working to make this a reality. Watch it:

Oh, and don’t forget, all this comes with the bonus feature of genetic editing. You’re not just going to create any ol’ baby in a lab. No. Through some trial and error you get to pick the best baby and then on top of that you can tweak their genetic code to make them less prone to disease, more athletic, healthier, smarter, blonder.

Now, we’re talking about bypassing the womb altogether.

And then, get this:

Once a baby reaches full maturity? According to the video, the birth process can be “done with just the push of a button,” which will cause the faux amniotic fluid to drain from the growth pod. The impact on humanity could be profound.

Each year, around 300,000 women die from pregnancy or complications shortly afterward. But that’s not all. “We know that the constraints of the human uterus and pelvis have acted as a brake on the size of the human brain and skull. If freed from the need to be ‘born’ in the normal way, we might open the way for a new evolutionary trajectory,” Dr. Anna Smajdor, Associate Professor of Practical Philosophy at the University of Oslo, noted in a previous interview.

So, to be clear, we’re talking about a future in which babies are born not from women, but from machines that replicate the uterus.

This technology has the ability to wipe out the biological family. There’s no need for a mom and dad when technology can do the job of a mother and a father when it comes to conception. And then the artificial womb does the job of the mother’s womb. We will be yet another step removed from biological necessity.

Who will be in charge? Who will oversee this? If the government needs a surge in population can it just order one up?

I am frightened of a world that has children conceived in a lab, genetically edited, never having felt the warmth of their mother in the womb, and set out into a world without a mother and father. That should give us all pause.

You’re talking about a world where women don’t have to attract men and men don’t need women to create a family. What kind of world are we inviting? A loveless world of genderless beings not needing one another?

This is coming. Pray. Pray as often as you are able.

HT Happy Despite Them

HT Big Pulpit