Ah Christmas.

They do know that Christmas is a religious holiday, right?

The Blaze:

A J&B Blended Scotch Whisky commercial from Spain is “bringing people to tears with its message of love and acceptance,” Today reported.

The description of the ad on YouTube — via Google Translate — reads, “At J&B we want everyone to be able to celebrate at Christmas, without anyone being left out. But, sadly, on these dates, many people from the LGTBIQ+ collective feel uncomfortable or rejected in their own families and cannot celebrate with them. For this reason, we have made this Christmas story starring a grandfather and his family.”

What are the details?

The ad begins with the grandfather trying to learn how to apply makeup to his face without his wife finding out as a version of the song “She” plays in the background, Today noted.

Looks to me like Pop-Pop be groomin’.

I don’t drink but if I did drink I’d never drink J&B again.