For a century of more we have attempted to flatten out our faith to fit it into Enlightenment materialist thinking in order to attract believers. We’ve downplayed miracles. We’ve disavowed our creation story. Angels? Never heard of ’em. Demons? Don’t be silly! We’ve attempted to fit our faith so that it can exist alongside a materialistic view of the world. But while we do this, young people in massive numbers are delving into occult and pagan activities precisely because they understand the world is weird and mysterious.

Our faith acknowledges that we are participants in a battle between darkness and light. Ours is a story of grace, redemption, and love. We delve into unknowable and wild mysteries. We fast in deserts for inspiration. We forgive when our entire being rages. We face death with joy. We seek the intervention of saints and pray for the dead.

Our faith can not be flattened. It is wild and bumpy and exhilarating and heartbreaking. We play for eternal stakes.