I must admit I grow a bit tired of conservatives holding other conservative’s feet to the fire while being completely unwilling to do the same to leftists.

I’ve been reading that I’m on the wrong side of this Ivy League anti-Jewish debacle. I want all three of those college presidents to be fired but I’m hearing from some who say that we should be for all free speech. We should be cheering them on, I’m told.

Sure. In a perfect world we’d be fighting for free speech. But that’s not the world we live in, punkin.

So, conservatives on campus have been disciplined for saying things that the left deems as hate speech. Like when a conservative group attempts to form a club on campus they’re almost always refused because they’re guilty of hate speech because they are against women’s rights on abortion or because they don’t believe that there are 3,789 genders. In that case, we argue for free speech. The left argues that speech is violence. Words matter, we are told.

So when these Ivy League presidents are saying that they’re unsure if students calling for genocide to Jews is punishable behavior, I’m supposed to cheer them on because this is the kind of free speech I’ve wanted all along.

Some on the right are saying that I’m pushing a double standard. OK. Maybe. But I’d also point out that the other side, which has all the power in these cases, is also pushing a double standard.

But that’s allowing the left to decide. By going after these college presidents we are holding them to their own standard.

I must admit that I didn’t foresee a time when those calling for death to Jews and for segregated classrooms would be portrayed as the good guys in the media. But this is where we are. But the insane display by these Ivy League idiots shocked the country. Their stupidity busted through the media censors and people were rightly horrified.

Some conservatives want us to “take the high road” and defend these college presidents who hate us and are even now discriminating against Christians and conservatives. I say, no way. If words are violence then they are violence. Let’s play the game by their rules.

If, at some future point, we can change the rules of the game I’m all for it. But until then, let’s just enforce their rules.