Pope Francis’ new document seems to allow for the blessings of same sex unions that doesn’t bless same sex unions. You got it?
Here you have Bishop Barron responding to the document, saying all is well.
So, everything is fine?
Well, here’s a statement from the British Confraternity of Catholic Clergy from 500 priests and deacons.
The Catholic Bishops of Nigeria feel much the same.
I saw that Catholic Answers tweeted out that what the pope wrote was technically true but confusing. But at some point we have to admit that Jesuits gonna’ Jesuit. Maybe confusion is the point. That is the fruit of this. People will be confused and souls may be lost over this.
How many people who were confused will read these headlines and think that the Church is softening its teachings? Many. Think of all the people working to free homosexuals from that lifestyle. Did this document help them or hurt them?
The Catholic Church should sound a certain trumpet, not bellow confusion.
December 21, 2023 at 8:49 am
Read in a vacuum, the document would seem to be addressing the problem of people in irregular relationships (of any type) being denied ANY blessings due to the irregular relationship. If that was happening somewhere, I’ve never heard of it. All people should be able to receive a blessing if they desire one.
If that’s all that was going on, there wouldn’t be a problem.
But outside that vacuum, here in the real world, this is yet another instance of the Pope issuing a statement that reaffirms the true teaching of the faith (marriage is between one man and one woman) while simultaneously permitting something that appears to contradict that teaching in essence, and will certainly be used/abused by some people to contradict the teaching in practice.
Papal statements should be clarifying, not confusing. Sadly, the past 10+ years have been adding confusion, not clarity.
December 21, 2023 at 10:23 am
The problem goes back to Vatican 1. Papal infallibility.
I suppose sedevacantisim is an option. Also Eastern Orthodoxy.
December 21, 2023 at 10:34 am
The Holy Spirit is not the spirit of confusion but of serenity and peace. There is only one that inspires confusion and it ain’t God.
December 21, 2023 at 10:51 am
I stopped by to say much the same thing, Bob. Since you said it so much better, I’ll move on. 🙂 Have a blessed Christmas.
December 22, 2023 at 6:05 am
You as well Timothy, Merry Christmas. The oceans may be tossing us about but the Church is secure. If we stay in the True Faith and the pillar and bulwark of Truth we have no fear of drowning.
December 21, 2023 at 5:57 pm
The Archbishop of Austria has said that all priests in Austria must bless gay unions. Bishops in Nigeria, Zambia and other countries are refusing to bless gay unions.
God help us.