Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan defined a “disaster” as not getting legislation passed to keep legal a procedure that she absolutely knew that the medical community couldn’t conjure a use for.
No word yet on whether she considers sticking a needle in a baby’s head as a disaster.
The fact that she believes a legislation failure to be a “disaster” without regard for the humanity of the unborn tells you everything you need to know about this very frightening human being.
It’s not that she’s a liberal. It’s that for her, politics seems to trump any other concerns. She already knew that the medical community had no use for partial birth abortion and she set about to change their statement so as to avoid a legislative failure. NRO writes of Kagan’s testimony concerning the partial birth abortion memo where she pushed ACOG to accept her words as their own statement saying that the horrid procedure might be necessary which ACOG hadn’t said before:
Hatch: “Did you write that memo?”
Kagan: “With respect, I don’t think that’s what happened here.”
Kagan says “the document is certainly in my hand-writing. I don’t know if the document is the product of a conversation I had with them . . .”
Kagan says Clinton had “strong views on this issue” and favored health exceptions. “We tried over the course of the period of time when this statute was being considered. . . to get him the best medical evidence on this subject as possible.” “We tried to bring all the conflicting views to his attention.”
“What ACOG thought was . . . on the one hand they couldn’t think of a circumstance in which this procedure was the absolutely only procedure that could be used in a given case. . . but they could think of circumstances in which it was the medically best procedure . . . with the least risk attached to it.”
“We knew that ACOG thought both of these things. . .”
Kagan goes on. Hatch asks again “did you write ‘this would be a disaster’?” Kagan says yes, the disaster would be that ACOG didn’t express both parts of what it believed.
“In their final statement, that sentence. . . that it was not the only procedure of course remained.”
Hatch says “this bothers me a lot,” that he know there are plenty of doctors in ACOG who did not believe partial-birth abortion was a necessary procedure. “That bothers me that you intervened in that particular area in that way.”
Kagan says there is “no way” she “would have or could have” gotten ACOG to change its medical opinion.
For years, pro-aborts pointed to the statement from ACOG saying that partial birth abortion might be necessary sometimes for the health of the mother. But Kagan argued it knowing that the statement was her own fabrication and not the consensus of the medical community.
Think about that and consider the character of the person about to be approved to sit on the highest court in the land. Her tenure on the court will be the real disaster.
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