Last night on CNN Headline News’s “Showbiz Tonight,” frequent talking head Temple University Professor Marc Lamont Hill said he was “freaked out” by Hannah Montana star Miley Cyrus’s claim that she loves Jesus.
The show played a clip from a YouTube video where Cyrus and pal Mandy answered fans’ questions, this one dedicated to their religion:
The two said: “Are we Christian? Yes! Yes. We are. We love Jesus. Happy Easter by the way. He died for our sins. That is how great he is. That`s why we do what we do. I sing and act Jesus. Not the acting but I sing and dance for Jesus. Actually, I act for Jesus, too. And now that I think about it, I do everything for Jesus.Yeah, we are. For Jesus.”
Nice breath of fresh air from a young celebrity, right?
But the video was cause for great concern on the show. Hill was asked by the host if he was concerned about Cyrus because of the video.
The Professor said,
“Exactly. I man, this video freaks me out. I wasn`t inspired when I saw it. No 15-year-old loves Jesus that much. Either she`s heavily calculated or a weird kid and either way, seems like she`s hurdling towards Lindsay Lohan/Britney Spears territory. These were both really good girls who were completely obsessed and a few years later they are hanging off of bar tops. That`s a dangerous thing.”
Jesus is a dangerous thing? And now we’re comparing Miley’s love of Jesus to Lindsey’s affection for booze and Britney’s drug, drink, etc. addictions.
To me, Miley Cyrus is a breath of fresh air. I will admit, however, that when I took the kids to the Hannah concert in movies the thought did cross my mind how difficult is must be to keep your child sane and normal when they’re celebrities. But either way, I’m pretty sure Miley’s love for Jesus is not the thing that will bring Miley down. In fact, it may be the only thing which saves her.
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