Cardinal Levada has asked the Traditional Anglican Communion to hang in there while they sort the whole Anglican meltdown out.

For his part Archbishop John Hepworth, the Primate of the TAC, seems to have taken it as the encouragement as it was likely meant. They will likely have to show even more patience as the historic moment unfolds, slowly.

[Messenger] “My Dear Fathers, Brothers and Sisters,
It is my great pleasure to be able to attach a copy of a letter I received this morning (25 July 2008) from Cardinal Levada, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, via the Apostolic Nuncio in Australia. It is a letter of warmth and encouragement. I have responded, expressing my gratitude on behalf of “my brother bishops”, reaffirming our determination to achieve the unity for which Jesus prayed with such intensity at the Last Supper, no matter what the personal cost this might mean in our discipleship.

This letter should encourage our entire Communion, and those friends who have been assisting us. It should also spur us to renewed prayer for the Holy Father, for Cardinal Levada and his staff at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and for all our clergy and people as we move to ever closer communion in Christ with the Holy See.

I am particularly thankful to the Cardinal Prefect for his generous mention of “corporate reunion”, a pathway seldom travelled in the past, but essential for bringing about the plea of our Master to His Father “May they be completely one”’.
The Traditional Anglican Communion
Archbishop John Hepworth