California’s top law enforcement officer today filed a brief opposing the will of the people. Yeah, well you remember all that “We the People” stuff you learned in school? Well forget it.
Attorney General Jerry Brown filed a legal brief saying the measure that amended the California Constitution to limit marriage to a man and a woman is itself unconstitutional because it deprives a minority group of a fundamental right.
This is at least somewhat surprising if only because Brown had earlier said he would defend the ballot measure against legal challenges from gay marriage supporters. But wait a second folks. To be fair, he made that promise before he realized that he might run for Governor in 2010 and will desperately need the liberal and homosexual vote.
This essentially amounted to a Bronx cheer to the people of California.
Brown said that the reversal has nothing to do with his ambition to become Governor (he-he) but that his conclusion was based “upon further reflection and a deeper probing into all the aspects of our Constitution.” (Heee-heeee-heee)
Here’s his quote to the Associated Press:
“It became evident that the Article 1 provision guaranteeing basic liberty, which includes the right to marry, took precedence over the initiative,” he said in an interview Friday night. “Based on my duty to defend the law and the entire Constitution, I concluded the court should protect the right to marry even in the face of the 52 percent vote.”
Shannon Minter, legal director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights, said,”The fact that after looking at this he shifted his position and is really bucking convention by not defending Prop. 8 signals very clearly that this proposition can not be defended,” Minter said.
He’s not bucking convention. He’s bucking the Constitution. You know that old document that says that the power rests with the people.
You know, every time a religious person is dragged in front of Congress for approval for the job of Secretary of this or that, one of the main questions the media and the liberals in Congress ask is whether their “faith tradition” will overrule their doing their duty. And they have to solemnly promise that they’ll do their job no matter what Jesus Christ would say about it.
But what about Jerry Brown? His own personal morals and ambitions are clearly overruling his job description. But something tells me the media won’t say a word about it. They’ll applaud him for speaking truth to power or some other tired old cliche.
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