Now, This is Hilarious
—I am not now nor have I ever been an exotic dancer.

Theologian: Pope Should Resign
—Shock: Church is now accepting sinners!

Obama’s a Jerk
—The jerk calls Jessica Simpson fat and the beta male media giggles.

Cain and Abel – Ramis Style
—Harold Ramis makes me laugh.

Prayer Offer Gets Nurse Punished
—Further evidence of the UK’s slow motion suicide.

Do They Not Watch Movies?
—Madf scientists clone, fail, but are undeterred.

Obama and the Scorpion
—It just hit me that Obama believes what he’s been saying. Oh Nooooo!

Creative Minority Reader

Salon: Pope is Sick and Evil
—Online magazine attacks Pope.

Child Taken From Grandparents for Gay Adoption
—This is the most outrageous story you’ll read today.

Pelosi Prevaricates … And The Some
—Speaker defends millions for STD’s … sorta.