The Obama administration messed up when it decided to back the aspiring Chavezian thug Zelaya in Honduras. Zelaya had attempted to illegaly change the constitution to remain in power. For this he was legally ousted from office. Everyone who spent more than five minutes looking into this topic understood that the people who ousted Zelaya, while not perfect, were certainly on the side of the angels on this one. Everyone, that is, except Obama and his State Department.
I have some very liberal friends who reflexively parrot Obama on most everything, but on this topic they shake their heads. Even they do not understand why Obama has continued to support the thug Zelaya.
So one would think that Obama would jump at the chance to endorse a political solution to this crisis through that most democratic of processes, an election. You would be wrong.
The U.S. State Department says Sunday’s presidential election in Honduras was a significant, but insufficient step, to end to political crisis that began there in June with the ouster of President Manuel Zelaya. U.S. officials are stopping short of recognizing opposition candidate Porfirio Lobo as the country’s next president.
Insufficient for whom? Instead of using this obvious exit strategy from a completely failed policy, the Obama administration doubles down on a completely misguided policy that just about everyone rejects, including Hondurans.
The closely monitored Honduran elections had record turnout and handily rejected Zelaya’s party for its role in this disaster. This was not only a rebuke to Zelaya but to Obama as well. Democracy may have spoken, but Obama is deaf.
When one considers this shameful situation, it is difficult not to come to either of two conclusions. Either Obama has little or no regard for constitutional governance and democracy or he is unwilling to ever admit that he made a mistake.
Or both.
Hondurans should be proud. Obama should be ashamed.
December 1, 2009 at 1:17 pm
It is ironic that Obama is so quick to apologize for U.S. foreign policy meddling in the affairs of other countries, but only if that meddling was done by someone other than himself.
December 1, 2009 at 1:25 pm
Or Obama is leftest!
December 1, 2009 at 2:08 pm
Why would anyone be surprised that he would support a leftist candidate rejected by the voters of Honduras? Look at his record on and support for abortion and homosexual marriage. Look at his position on and efforts to nationalize healthcare in the United States. Look at his position on and the steps he has taken to pack the courts with left-wing liberal justices supportive of his own socialist agenda. He should be impeached for failure to uphold his oath of office. But of course that would require that the congress act according to the Constitution rather than according to their liberal socialist political agenda.
December 1, 2009 at 3:10 pm
Well, now that the election is over, perhaps Obama will appoint Zelaya his Thug Czar.
December 1, 2009 at 5:53 pm
Haw, haw, haw!
Obama is just prolonging the crisis by throwing his weight behind this old-news thug.
December 1, 2009 at 6:30 pm
In a a way it's good news. Earlier the State Department tried to go into Emperor Palapatine mode with Honduras, which usually causes our various vassal states…err…allies to blink. Honduras didn't blink and SD is mightily put out. Now they are getting weasely-mouthed with the above pronouncement and trying to salavage in the face of utter defiance. Our government is now officially weaksauce.
Scott W.
December 1, 2009 at 8:35 pm
Obama promised to abuse his power for his KGB academy bunk-mate Zelaya. It's just another case of nepotism.
December 2, 2009 at 5:31 pm
To be fair to Obama… he is actually opposed to gay marriage. His supporters have done a fairly good job of making sure that information is not generally known.
Also to be fair to Obama, I think the real reason he so fears what happened in Honduras is that it proves what a motivated citizenry can do when adhering to the rule of law rather than the cult of personality. Part of him surely says, "If those cats could do it to Zelaya, then heck, the bitter clingers may just do it to me."
He's also stuffed so many people under the bus that infighting and opportunism may be sufficient to keep his erstwhile supporters from really backing him in any such fight. Clinton could count on closed ranks behind him because he was a consummate glad-handler, everybody's buddy… The O is too arrogant for that. The Blue Dogs in Congress have already bucked him on one of his signature policy hopes; and others surely notice that not only did his support for Deeds and Corzine fail to produce wins, but that he also passed it off as no big deal after the fact – it had nothing to do with him! "Bravely Sir Obama ran away, away…"
Well, it was a big deal to Corzine and Deeds.