Do you know what liars do? They lie. That’s what they do.
Back in September Obama spoke to a joint session of Congress and took issue with something he said is not true, the suggestion that the health-care plan would pay for abortions. “Not true!” he said. He lied.
[LifeNews] Following up on the impending battle, ABC News correspondent Jake Tapper spoke with White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs after their interview on “This Week” about health care.
“So, does the Senate language come closer to what the president wants than the House language?” he said he asked Gibbs. “Gibbs told me this morning: ‘Yes.'”
I know it always comes as a shock when known liars are caught lying. In September, when health-care was on the ropes, he took issue with even the suggestion that the health-care bill would cover abortion, because he knows how vastly unpopular that notion is. Today, when the bill looks to be in the bag, no longer is it not in the bill, but now it is even his “preference.”
Translation, I will say whatever I need to say to get what I want and I do not give a whit about what the American people want.
Obama lied and babies died.
December 28, 2009 at 4:32 am
I will pray for them, but I really don't care what our politicians do at this point. They have determined which fate they desire, and what will become of us as a result will be what will become of us as a result. In my opinion, it's time to go into monastic mode and get busy purging ourselves of the passions and fortifying the Church, preparing for the inevitable persecution. Our energies should no longer be wasted resisting that which is destined for our age, namely, its death.
December 28, 2009 at 5:53 am
I still don't get why the doctors, pharma, and big insurance are accepting the "Trust us!" card. These people have shown nothing but a ruthless thirst for power, do they really not understand that letting someone put you in chains with the promise that "I'll take 'em off real soon!" is a bad idea?
December 28, 2009 at 12:09 pm
I agree with Geoffrey. I'm contemplating nursing school and learning how to shoote, along with prayer and fasting. ~ Siobhan
December 28, 2009 at 1:49 pm
Hmmm… I try to avoid thinking about "the inevitable persecution" since my family has no survival skills (Unless the ability to read Latin counts? I didn't think so…) — I figure that if things get that bad, we'll either be martyred or starve…..and in the mean time, I'll just assume things won't get that bad…. heck… it's only 11 months until we can throw the bums out!
December 28, 2009 at 3:50 pm
Obama has learned the rules for radicals well. Saul Alinsky advocated saying whatever it takes to get into power and then saying whatever it takes to get your plans implemented. It's how he got into office and it's how he's acting as president.
Pharma is going along with it because they will come out the big winners of this plan, especially without a public option (although they would have worked out a deal in that case too). This bill is mandating coverage of young healthy people, and it's subsidizing coverage for people currently underinsured or not in the system. Analysts are saying premiums will most definitely go up. They will most certainly make out pretty well under this plan.
If costs were to actually GO DOWN, they would have a smaller pie from which to profit. Democrats' demonizing the insurance companies is another lie. The insurance companies are complicit in this and will profit (or think they will) as long as they play along.
December 28, 2009 at 5:21 pm
What Mike said. And, yeah, Geoffrey also has a point: we ought to always be in that mode, though, always being the Church and at the helm, ready to do battle. Never let your guard down.
And, I'd hate to think we would not band together as people in rough times and not help each other, you know? Part of my survival is the hope that others would treat me as I would treat them: if they are hungry, to feed them; if they are thirsty, to give them drink; if they are nekked, to clothe them.
Although, this administration has a knack for constantly annoying me – very disappointing.
December 28, 2009 at 5:21 pm
Tell them what they want to hear..
and doesn't Medicare and the Vets hospital care work wonderfully (har, har).
How can we free ourselves of this Socialist Party?
I think at EVERY election, not just the Presidential one, the votes should count ONLY if 50% of the voters vote—– and 95% for the Presidential elections.
December 28, 2009 at 5:49 pm
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
December 28, 2009 at 7:02 pm
I'm still waiting for the CINO crowd that supported B.O. to 'fess up and admit they've been had.
Not holding my breath on that one, but just waiting.
December 28, 2009 at 7:41 pm
Even when he was being truthful – about having his grandchildren aborted in case of an unplanned pregnancy, that was enough for me to reject him. But now that he has shown that he has not been truthful in other matters, is grounds for me to despise him.
December 29, 2009 at 6:47 am
I don't get it. This is probably the most pro-life piece of legislation to be passed in decades. The Council of Archbishops supports it. Including Archbishop Chaput. Catholic hospitals support it. And yet, you'll find some way to make this into a bad thing.
By the way, I don't recall a single word ever being uttered that Catholics should boycott Health Insurance companies that fund abortion. Even though your premiums contribute to that practice.
Admit it. This is supposed to be Obama's Waterloo. And it'll be that to you no matter what.
December 29, 2009 at 4:04 pm
Re: "I don't get it. This is probably the most pro-life piece of legislation to be passed in decades. The Council of Archbishops supports it. Including Archbishop Chaput."
You may want to get to the proper sources of information. Because if you don't get it, you don't get it.
For a true presentation of the Council of Archbishops please refer to
For Abp. Chaput's position cfr:
December 31, 2009 at 4:38 pm
I am happy to announce that my health care provider, United Health Care has just stopped funding abortions. Anonymous, maybe I should have given up my health care in protest, but I didn't think depriving my disabled child of medical care was pro-life.
However, don't think this is Waterloo; we are not accepting Obamacare. We will not rest until we throw the bums out, hopefully this year. Obamacare may be the straw that broke the camel's back, awakening the average decent Christian to the vast evil which has overtaken our nation with Roe v Wade.
Someday, we may thank him for this.