Let’s face it, there is a dearth of men in the leadership of the Republican party and the GOP presidential field has more beta males than a Star Trek convention.
After the spineless GOP congressional leadership lost the 2011 budget debate due to a bad case of testicular absencia, Governor Pawlenty made this wimpy comment.
When asked after the speech about ethanol subsidies—which have come under fired from some fiscal conservatives, but are considered crucial in Iowa, where Pawlenty’s campaign could live or die—he hedged.
“We can’t just pull the rug out from under the industry,’’ he said.”There are going to have to be some changes, but we have to be fair-minded about it.’’
Fair-minded? Ethanol subsidies have always been a disgrace but now they are downright immoral as food prices continue to soar.
I hate panderers. Hate ’em.
We need men. Men who tell the truth, even if people don’t want to hear it.
Only in a party this wimpy could a bana braggart like Donald Trump seem like a man.
Four more years.
April 29, 2011 at 6:03 am
I say draft Condi Rice- not perfect but then that racism/feminism card is taken care of- yes, she isn't perfectly pro-life, but neither are any… 🙁
April 29, 2011 at 11:18 am
Col. West
April 29, 2011 at 1:31 pm
I actually agree with Pawlenty here. Ethanol subsidies (and an effective policy plan for eliminating them without bankrupting whole communities) is too complex to explain in a 1-sentence snippet. There are whole communities of hardworking Americans whose local economies rely on ethanol subsidies. The subsidies are obviously a waste of taxpayer money, but so are many government programs. At least ethanol subsidies go to people who work for a living, as opposed to many programs that reward people for remaining unemployed indefinitely.
April 29, 2011 at 2:20 pm
Thaddeus McCotter
April 29, 2011 at 3:03 pm
Scott Walker, Chris Christie, Michele Bachmann
April 29, 2011 at 4:21 pm
ALLEN WEST! This may is ready right now! He is pro-life, for limited government, for reducing the debt, and has more foreign policy and national security credentials than anyone in government other than maybe Gen. Patreaus.
Moreover, this man is a true LEADER.
I don't care that he hasn't been in Congress long. How long was Obama a Senator and before that he had NO relevant experience.
Col. Allen West is someone who we NEED to recruit to run RIGHT NOW!
April 29, 2011 at 4:22 pm
I mean to type, "This MAN is ready right now." No "may"
April 29, 2011 at 4:51 pm
Patrick Archbold – he's the man!
April 29, 2011 at 6:08 pm
Chris Chistie. As far as the Donald, mom calls him Trumpee. research Vera Coking and how he tried to take her house through eminent domain for pennies on the dollar. Backed by Dana Berliner of the Institute for Justice, Vera Coking got a fair deal. Our constitution, in the Fifth Amendment says that a fair market price must be paid for property taken by the STATE, Donald is not the state.
April 29, 2011 at 9:55 pm
May 2, 2011 at 5:19 pm
Yeah Herman Cain would be good too!
Col. Allen West is ready now, and so is Cain. I also wouldn't mind see Condi Rice somewhere in the mix as well, but I would need to know more about her stance on life.
The truth is that about 25% of my neighbors would do a better job that the current POTUS. So we could pick virtually anybody. (Joe the plumber anyone?)
I just hope that Allen West or someone like him (Marco Rubio) would just step up and RUN!
May 2, 2011 at 8:56 pm
Barely anyone backed Ron Paul, and he was the only national level politician in probably a hundred years to actually tell it like it is. The vast majority of Americans can't handle reality (which is that we are scr—d), and will eventually be bulldozered by reality because of their own stubborness.