There’s recently been some troubling polling news about young Catholics not being well formed in their faith. Relativism is rampant and many children don’t know the difference between transubstantiation and the Assumption. Many young people aren’t going to Mass because they don’t “get anything” out of Mass. Some opt for vague spirituality, rather than religion.

My sister Mary Archbold and my brother in law Pat Shay, both veterans of ImprovOlympic and The Second City Comedy Group, recently had their first child and started creating videos as supplemental teaching aids that Catholic educators can use to teach the faith to young Catholics. (Yes, they’re in the entertainment business and they’re Catholic. Like real Catholic. Not like the Lady “I’m a devout Catholic” Gaga.)

Both are practicing Catholics who just had their first child this year and wanted to make fun educational videos for young Catholics.

Please check out the videos here>>>