I don’t know what’s going on with the dude smoking in Herman Cain’s latest ad that’s garnering all sorts of publicity. Rick Perry came out with his tax plan yesterday and all anyone’s talking about is Cain’s ad. I guess everyone is used to politicians blowing smoke metaphorically but literally is a little weird. But hey, it’s working for him because everyone’s talking about it.
The last time there was this much talk about the smoking man, Mulder and Scully were in season three.
I’m sure you’ve seen the ad by now or heard about it but please watch it just for Cain’s smile at the end.
But never mind all that smoking man stuff. What’s with Cain’s smile at the end? That’s like the bad guy won at the end of the movie smile, isn’t it? If a man smiles at someone like that something bad is about to happen or it already did and you just don’t know it yet.
It’s kinda’ like when Damien at the end of “The Omen” is at his father’s funeral and he smiles right at the audience.
I’m not comparing Cain to Damien. I’m just sayin’ his smile in this kinda’ freaked me out. And if you turn Cain’s 999 plan upside down, what are you left with? 666. Once again. Just sayin’.
And you wanna’ know the kicker. I’d still vote for Cain over Obama. (Mostly because I’m scared of him.)
October 26, 2011 at 2:33 pm
So far, as seems par for the course, Republican candidates are shooting themselves in the foot at every turn. Last night, however, I watched an interview with the distantly trailing John Huntsman. For the first time this season, I have now seen a candidate who appears well prepared, knowledgeable, and communicates very well. Perfect? No. But hugely better than I had been led to believe, and better than the others, at this point.
October 26, 2011 at 3:49 pm
Oh come on, Matt. Now you are being silly. So try this: DON'T turn it upside down. Anytime you turn good around you have evi,l right?
As for the smile? Come on… he's a NICE guy. It was just a warm smile. But I will give you the smoking man. Seemed a bit silly. Maybe he is trying to appeal to an auto-worker somewhere and thinks this'll do it.
October 26, 2011 at 3:51 pm
It wasn't the smile that freaked me out, it was the Terminator Eye Movement, you know where you move your eyes to the side before you move your head. Like at the beginning of this movie trailer;
October 26, 2011 at 3:59 pm
Yes Used to Post, I am being silly.
October 26, 2011 at 4:04 pm
And I have just confirmed once again that I am, in fact, an idiot. HA! Sorry.
October 26, 2011 at 6:11 pm
I always heard that when someone is talking to you…making a statement, and you see them shaking their head in the "no" position, it means that they aren't being sincere. Not so sure if that's true, but body language does say a lot if you pay attention. Also, the smile did creep me out at the end. I think it was the closed mouth grin turning into a full mouth grin is what did it. I was waiting for the music from the Exorcist to start playing in the background.
October 26, 2011 at 7:07 pm
Oh, and regarding Herman Cain being a "nice guy", I'm sure he is. However, our country needs someone who is not only financially savvy and able to make sound fiscal decisions, there is so much more to being President. Cain and his lack of knowledge regarding foreign policy, military policy, and middle east cultures needs to be taken seriously. I'm just not sure if he has a grasp on what the job as President entails. This is the same reason why Obama is such a failure, he still has no clue as to how to be President to all Americans, not just to his select few.
October 26, 2011 at 7:49 pm
I think you guys are getting this wrong…this short campaign spot I believe is meant to show that Herman Cain is not going to pander to the politically correct crowd. It's not a mistake or an oversight.
This is important in a country where smoking a cigarette gets you into more trouble than being a pedophile.
October 26, 2011 at 11:03 pm
Didn't see anything unusual about Cain's smile at the end. It was fine. As for the smoking, what kind of pansy gets upset over some guy smoking?
October 26, 2011 at 11:03 pm
I agree with David, the smoker is an appeal to Libertarians, who are alarmed at governmental interference in everyday life. He's going for the Ron Paul supporters.
October 27, 2011 at 12:14 am
The speculation is that Cains candidacy was a prank that was taken seriously. This weird campy ad would support that. http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/presidential-campaign/189837-is-the-herman-cain-campaign-all-a-prank
October 27, 2011 at 4:31 am
Hey Anon – don't be an idiot. Please?
October 27, 2011 at 6:12 am
Dude, his name is, like, Cain! And the 666! And smoke means fire means HELL!!!111!
Wow, that "Cain is a prank" guy is really getting around.
October 27, 2011 at 11:43 am
Matthew, stop drunk posting.
October 27, 2011 at 2:02 pm
I think the smoking consultant is highly calculated to do two things: free publicity (due to the non-PC nature of the act), and change the narrative from a major slip – Cain's abortion mistake to a minor dustup. Pretty risky – but clever, almost desperate ..
October 27, 2011 at 10:00 pm
Wow!! Great ad!! So creative! So much easier than demonstrating any track record of fiscal conservatism or concern for the victims of the Fed! Prezidential material!! He's got my vote! I wasn't government schooled for nothing! And anyone who doesn't agree with me is an idiot and as that is the Ultimate Rebuttal requiring no support:…..neener! neener! neener!