Hey, you know that institution of marriage that’s been around for thousands of years that Western civilization’s been doing everything it could think of to destroy? Well, it turns out hee-hee, that it might actually be kinda’ good for kids after all.
Our bad.
The Telegraph reports:
Iain Duncan Smith will make the Coalition’s most explicit official statement in favour of parents marrying and staying together.
He will say that children from such homes are most likely to end up with a good education and a job.
The Work and Pensions Secretary will make the declaration as he announces an Early Intervention Foundation to raise millions of pounds from private investors to help disadvantaged children.
The Social Justice Strategy Paper will set out plans to tackle the causes of poverty and disadvantage.
It makes clear that the stability of parents’ relationships is a key factor in children’s prospects.
Marriage is particularly good for children, the paper says. The Government is “concerned” by the long-term trend away from marriage, it says.
Mr Duncan Smith will say the strategy marks a change in the approach to marriage. Successive governments have done too little to promote stable families, he will say.
Mr Duncan Smith has had a long personal interest in family issues but the main paper he will publish today constitutes a government commitment to promote marriage.
The command paper quotes evidence showing that “children tend to enjoy better life outcomes when the same two parents give them support and protection”.
Children who have experienced the breakdown of their parents’ relationship are “more likely to have poor cognitive development and education and employment outcomes than those who have lived with both birth parents”.
“Outcomes” are better for children when parents stay together, the paper says. Research shows that about one in three cohabiting couples splits up before a child’s fifth birthday, compared with one in 10 married couples.
“This Government believes marriage often provides an excellent environment in which to bring up children,” it says. “The Government is clear that marriage should be supported.”
What is a reclamation project in the UK can still be avoided in America. Marriage can still be saved here but we’re on the brink of destroyng it. If we don’t defend it now, we’ll be left picking up the pieces in years to come.
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