With over 50% of the people on the dole and with no checks and balances left to limit the power of the government left, America as we knew it is done.
The only check on tyranny left is revolution. That can be peaceful or not peaceful, but the government as it stands must perish.
I am now convinced more than ever this will eventually lead to secession.
I fear that liberty lost is only found again in blood-soaked places.
Some additional comment.
How long until Congress figures out that they can tax you for voting Republican or failing to vote Democrat?
It is for days like these that God invented both tar and feathers.
And a reminder, for this very reason “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
June 28, 2012 at 10:40 pm
We are talking about DEFENDING ourselves, not going on a hunt. God willing it won't come to that, but the current president has shown a real proclivity for using violence against his opposition. Really, I think we're talking apples and coal here.
Suzanne Carl
June 28, 2012 at 10:44 pm
you admit that the fault of any bloodshed would be with the paranoid security state
What? No. I say that when you start talking about violent revolution in a post-9/11 state you invite scrutiny from a paranoid government. Not smart.
That's why I'm putting my name at the bottom. The stupid tech doesn't let me sign in.
Mark Technoidiot Shea
June 28, 2012 at 11:07 pm
Dear Mark,
I see what you mean, but I till hold that I am talking about defensive action, not offensive action. I will defend myself and those I love from tyranny. With force if necessary. I plan on voting the bums out, and will pray that is enough. I will rally and hold signs on street corners about refusing to comply. I've done so already. I will again. So,I guess I'm already on someone's paranoid government list. Saying that I'm armed may make them think twice. Of course, their only beebee guns to use on vermin in the garden, but I am armed!
June 28, 2012 at 11:15 pm
I'm all for voting the bums out. My concern here was with the suggestion of violent overthrow of the state because the court held up a law that our elected officials, for better or ill, passed.
Mark Shea
June 28, 2012 at 11:30 pm
Defense, Mark, Defense.
June 28, 2012 at 11:37 pm
They're only beebee guns. I shouldn't try to comment while preparing dinner. AAARGH!
June 29, 2012 at 1:25 am
Ranting Catholic Mom, and others, forget about trying to tell the Sultan of Seattle anything. His mind (such as it is)is made up, so don't confuse him with the facts.
June 29, 2012 at 6:32 am
This country is finished. People look only at the symptoms not the cause. The following addresses the real cause of our demise:
An anthropologist by the name of J.D. Unwin initiated a study with the premise that marriage was not necessary and possibly even detrimental to the development of great societies. At the end of this study he completely reversed his hypothesis.
"Perhaps the definitive work on the rise and fall of civilizations," writes Fitzpatrick, "was published in 1934 by Oxford anthropologist J.D. Unwin":
In "Sex and Culture," Unwin studied 86 human civilizations ranging from tiny South Sea island principalities to mighty Rome. He found that a society's destiny is linked inseparably to the limits it imposes on sexual expression and that those sexual constraints correlate directly to its theological sophistication and religious commitment.
Unwin noted that the most primitive societies had only rudimentary spiritual beliefs and virtually no restrictions on sexual expression, whereas societies with more sophisticated theologies placed greater restrictions on sexual expression, and achieved greater social development.
In particular, cultures that adopt what Unwin dubbed "absolute monogamy" proved to be the most vigorous, economically productive, artistically creative, scientifically innovative and geographically expansive societies on earth.
The following are grave words for the USA that come from noted Harvard sociologist Pitirim Sorokin who found no culture surviving once it ceased to support marriage and monogamy. None.
Now we can do a basic analysis of marriage in the USA. Current illegitimacy rates are as follows:
Black 73%
Hispanic 53%
White 29%
for an overall rate of 42%. The future of the USA has been written. Currently the rate of illegitimacy for women of all races under 30 is 53%.
“Once a society departs from a social norm of absolute marital monogamy, social chaos ensues within three generations.” — Anthropologist Joseph Daniel Unwin
June 29, 2012 at 3:45 pm
God help me, but I'm saying it again: Listen to Joe D'Hippolito here
Maybe you should trust your instinct and assume that agreeing with Joe D'Hippolito is a sign that you're the one out to lunch.
Yes, some people need to dial back their rage, and some of the comments here are excessively silly. But there is absolutely nothing wrong with what Pat said, and to twist his words into meaning that he somehow is advocating the violent overthrow of the US is an absurdity.
On a side note, all you have to do to put your name at the top of the comment is click the drop down box and choose the name/url function.
June 29, 2012 at 6:05 pm
At this point, the best offense is on our knees and on our feet – with our hands and our mouths.
Knees = pray that those tempted to abort (or partake of other immoral acts facilitated by this law) will have their eyes opened and turn away. That's the grace and power of God in action. It doesn't matter if PP's buildings are funded if no one visits (kind of like mainline protestant churches).
Feet = remain in the battle and walk/protest/work/go; fight especially hard against the diabolic evangelism in the public square from media and "leaders" who push filthy and depraved lifestyles. Call it what it is – even if the misuse of hate-speech/thoughtcrime laws make life uncomfortable for us. Speak the way Wisdom is portrayed in Proverbs. See "knees" above if you don't feel up to this.
Hands = work to help your neighbor and respond to God's call when He asks *you* to be the means of escape for someone else who is tempted.
Mouths = speak the words of Jesus (or when necessary John the Baptist). Confound the doctors of the law with the wisdom of God. We may get our head handed to us on a platter, but that comes with the territory.
I'm certain that in an age where the government is determined to follow in the footsteps of Ahab and Jezebel, that the Lord will raise up many with the clarity of Elijah. We're not alone, just as he was not alone. Also, if the nation fails to turn back to the Lord, there are always the descendents of Babylon and Assyria to be our chastisement. Pray it not come to that (see "Knees" above).
June 29, 2012 at 7:19 pm
Maybe you should trust your instinct and assume that agreeing with Joe D'Hippolito is a sign that you're the one out to lunch.
Really, Paul? Why don't you re-read what I actually wrote, which includes the following?
1. Secession is unconstitutional and won't work.
2. The American people have the opportunity — and, the responsibility — to vote Obama and the Democrats out of office in November.
What exactly is "out to lunch" about those statements?
June 29, 2012 at 7:35 pm
Really, Paul? Why don't you re-read what I actually wrote
Joe, I'm actually quite literate, so I don't need to re-read things to catch their meaning, thank you very much.
You're out to lunch for accusing Patrick in engaging in hyperbolic rhetoric, when all he did was express his frustration with the decision. He doesn't actually advocate these things.
June 29, 2012 at 11:03 pm
I thought you hated Ron Paul.
June 29, 2012 at 11:50 pm
Voting is a fools game. If nothing else, this past primary seaon has shown the blatant fraud, cheating and violence that the Estyablishment will use to assure the "right" candidate wins. And drat it all, I find I must differentiate my anonymous self from Anonymous Legion (commie) Devil .
June 29, 2012 at 11:54 pm
Paul, if I'm "out to lunch," then why isn't Fr. Frank "out to lunch"? He warned Patrick more directly than I did. Or does he get a pass because he's a priest?