This would be hilarious if I didn’t think this kind of thinking was epidemic among Christians.
Christian Culture News reports:
CNN’s Piers Morgan, who has described himself as a Christian, apparently thinks the Bible, like the U.S. Constitution, needs to be rewritten to get rid of passages condemning homosexuality and those describing marriage as exclusively heterosexual … so that Christians will some how change their minds to embrace same-sex marriage.
Morgan’s comment reportedly came during an interview with Saddleback Pastor Rick Warren aired on CNN on Christmas Eve, according to Twitchy.
Morgan clearly hasn’t thought through anything about his religion which he professes to be Christianity.
Here’s the thing. We’ve seen what liberals have done to the Constitution when they made it a “living breathing” document. It means we can all do whatever the heck we want and no institution shall stand against our every whim. To do the same thing to the Bible is the destruction of Christianity.
Christianity has commandments, not amendments.
Christianity is not supposed to mirror secularism folks. It’s the antidote. Our natures are fallen. Our world is broken. Secularism wants to play with the pieces of a broken world. Christianity allows us to build.
December 26, 2012 at 5:34 pm
Piers would have difficulty building with Legos.
December 26, 2012 at 8:11 pm
And while we're at it, let's do away with the politically correct "translations" of Holy Scripture. Those who not so innocently promote gender inclusive language assume that the person in the pew is too dumb to figure out that "mankind", for example, refers to all people. They tinker with Holy Scripture and thus neuter the word of God in an attempt to spread various ideologies foreign to Christianity. Furthermore, it's the job of the priest-homilist, not some revisionist pseudo-scholars, to explain the meaning of Scripture.
The grey language should be purged from our lectionaries.
December 26, 2012 at 8:58 pm
I am a woman who agrees with WAFMC. I hate that that we can't sing "God rest ye merry gentlemen" , etc anymore. And other hymns where "man" has been replaced with us. What's wrong with the classics?
December 26, 2012 at 9:28 pm
Excellent article! I agree with Evi. The man is Lego challenged!
December 26, 2012 at 11:34 pm
Time for another petition to oust old Piers?
December 26, 2012 at 11:55 pm
A priest I know told me the funniest story about amending Scripture to include feminine gender words: He was saying Mass for a liberal order of nuns, and one of the sisters did the reading, from Corinthians by St. Paul. She said "When I was a child I spake as a child … but when I became a WOMAN, I put away childish things." Father said that considering that St. Paul was speaking about himself, and was a man, that this must be the first example of a transgender situation in Church history! I thought I'd die laughing. Trying to be politically correct can have unintentionally hilarious consequences!
December 27, 2012 at 12:04 am
WAFMC,I dislike the new translation of the Gloria for that reason. 'People' doesn't fit the melody…
December 27, 2012 at 12:06 am
Matthew, you make me remember when the liturgy was changed from Latin to English, and all the musicians were so upset because English just didn't fit the beautiful Latin hymn music!
December 27, 2012 at 7:44 am
Why don't we just change all of history for them too? Let's see…Christopher Columbus came to America in the Nina, the Pinta, and the Rosie O'Donnell.
December 27, 2012 at 1:17 pm has something going — a desperate football play would be an Ellen Degeneres Pass.
December 28, 2012 at 1:20 pm
I think everyone should make their own bible, leaving out the bits they don't like or find boring.
They could then read the whole thing in less than two minutes every day.
It would certainly stop those horrendous annual bible reading plans where they treat the Word of God as if it were simply something to be finished and then bragged about.
December 28, 2012 at 4:13 pm
Thomas Jefferson actually physically cut out the parts of the Bible he agreed with and made his own Bible!!!!!
December 28, 2012 at 4:23 pm
I saw that interview — Piers actually said that he is Catholic, which makes it all the more disturbing.
December 28, 2012 at 4:31 pm
@Dolores Gray
…but makes it all the more understandable 🙂
December 28, 2012 at 4:42 pm
This is the way French Revolution made 'national church' with 'bishops' being elected by everyone, even if he was an atheist. This is the way China has its own national church. We have a choice – either we want to be good, and then we grow our conscience, and listen to the Word of God (and Catholics recognizing who the Church is listen to Her,) or we want to do what we want to do and request calling us good by treating the Church as pupil, and teaching Her how to worship us.
December 28, 2012 at 9:22 pm
Piers needs to join the Anglican Church. Apparently they found a quote in the Bible which endorsed homosexual activity.
December 29, 2012 at 12:46 am
Hello brother and sister Catholics!!! I'm reaching out to all of you today to invite you to check out Its the Hardest Hitting Catholic Podcast On or Off the Internet. Listen in as Tim Haines and I tackle the tough moral and Catholic issues of the day and hammer the heretics with the Truth of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Catholic Church. Remember it's Hope to see you all there!!!!!
December 30, 2012 at 1:11 pm
You don't have to change the bible to endorse gays you just have to ignore those parts of the Bible that calls them an abomination and calls for their stoning. Most Christians no longer want people who engage in homosexual activity to be out to death so Christianity is half way there. It was done with done with witches (a previously group persecuted because of Biblical injunctions) but now most Christians while not accepting their preposterous beliefs, accept their right to them and to practice them.
December 31, 2012 at 6:27 am
@Rationalist1: In polite company, one doesn't make quite that ostentatious a display of one's unlettered cave-dwelling ignorance. Quite seriously, are you commenting by dictation? Who's reading you this blog? Because you give no evidence of actual functioning literacy.
Sadly necessary correction #1, witches were not "persecuted". Witchcraft is an intrinsically criminal act, since it is, by definition, "unlawful use of spiritual power". Innocent people were falsely accused of this crime, people were not unjustly punished for committing it. Witches don't have a belief, witchcraft is a perversion of some other belief, within the same culture. Did you think Wicca was real?
Sadly necessary correction #2, the main factor in witch-hunts was the Renaissance resurgence of Roman Law, not the Bible. Or did you not know that witchcraft was a capital crime under every Roman emperor except Alexander Severus? Pagans are witch-hunters; meanwhile, the Catholic Church, in the Councils of Frankfurt and Paderborn, declared it heresy to make witchcraft accusations—those two councils being called by Charlemagne's request, during his campaign against Germanic paganism.
PS. Number one fine English you talk, big chief queen she English same-same.
January 2, 2013 at 3:08 am
Sophia – I'm not sure what I said to garner such a vitriolic personal attack. I can only assume it's the way you react when someone questions or voices an opinion that differs from you.
Perhaps if you take issue with the witch analogy, perhaps I should have offered as a way to respond to the condemnation of gays in the Bible, the same reading we take to those sections of Scripture (particularly 1 Corinthians) that require women to be silent in churches and to have no teaching authority over men. We essentially ignore them today.
As to the witch allegation a re-reading of my post would reveal I said Christians and although your response may reveal that you think the only Christians are Catholics I was not talking exclusively about Catholic approach to witches such as exemplified in papal bull Summis Desiderantes Affectibus but how most Christians has stopped hunting down and persecuting witches.