This Dad should get very little for Father’s Day this year. I’m not saying he should get nothing because he does eventually stop the stroller but…come on.
Update: It looks like MLB won’t let folks embed it. Don’t know why but it probably has something to do with lawyers. So here’s the link.
In the end, he can always point to this Dad and say at least he’s not as bad as him.
March 13, 2014 at 5:48 am
Honestly, I think it was rather hilarious, and certainly a good poke at ostentation in the papacy, whether intended or not. Red shoes can symbolize all kinds of things, but you have to admit that in the context of the video, it was funny. What — we can't laugh at the pope and the pope's finery now and then?
March 13, 2014 at 6:22 am
I think that he wants to do his ministry in the best way possible. We shouldn't escalate that bullying of a deacon. Maybe our comments will have some positive respond from the deacon. But insulting him is not what Jesus teaches us.