The German Church is funded by the state. Many priests and bishops no longer obey Church teaching and they are untethered from the people. They clearly do the bidding of their funders.
This will likely get very messy. I would say the Vatican must act but I don’t know how much the Vatican is actually against this and I don’t know if they have the spine for the fight, even if they did want it.
Here, Bishop George Bätzing, the head of the Catholic Bishop’s Conference in Germany, says that the Catholic church there is already blessing gay unions but are now moving to formalize it. To be clear, they are not just blessing the people involved, they are blessing the union.
It’s in German but you can read the sub-titles.
Bishop Bätzing speaking on the decision made by the #SynodalWay to implement blessings for homosexual and divorced+remarried couples; stating that that practice already exists in 🇩🇪 anyways and should be made public independently of what the #Vatican or the @Pontifex might think.
— Maria 1.0 (@Maria_1Punkt0) March 15, 2023
Who knows where this goes? All I know is that it can’t be ignored any longer.
Thanks to Commenter Trubadour.
March 17, 2023 at 10:54 am
No mention of God. No mention of “theology” or Sacred Scripture. Of course not a word about sin. But hey, the German bishops had “experts” and the Synodal process. About par for the course for those who don’t actually believe in anything but humanity.
On the plus side, at least this is now being said openly. We cannot pretend that there is unity when clearly there is not. And I need to pray for faithful German Catholics. Their shepherds are throwing them to the wolves, and many souls will be lost.
March 17, 2023 at 12:10 pm
In reality the “SS blessing” is nothing at all but some affirming words. The problem is of course the misleading of the flock. Sad to think how many will be hurt by this both directly and indirectly through a false understanding of Christ’s revelation.
March 17, 2023 at 1:49 pm
As Virginia said, above, at least they are out in the open now (metaphorically and literally “coming out of the closet”???).
That seems to be happening a lot over the last three years on a number of issues of the day, both within the church and in the secular world at large (metaphorically and literally “the masks have come off”???).
By doing so, with their brazenness, it now makes it easier to spot them and to battle them (with God’s help). If you haven’t done so already, it’s time to put on your spiritual armory.
March 17, 2023 at 8:35 pm
He never directly answers the question about whether he is defying the Vatican.
March 17, 2023 at 8:40 pm
Not that that lessens the obligation of the Vatican to respond. Don’t hold your breath, though.
March 17, 2023 at 8:39 pm
Maybe they can bless their own pectoral millstones at the same time.
March 18, 2023 at 6:27 am
” The problem is of course the misleading of the flock. ”
This is why it is imperative that the faithful study their faith and the Truth imparted by the Church through the Apostles. We’ve known for quite a while now that the clergy do not always perform their duties well such as teaching the laity what the Church has taught for millennia. The German bishops can utter anything they want in teaching but if it goes against the Church it is invalid. Let a bishop say that mules can now be priests and you believe it because he is a bishop then the onus is on you to reject it. Bishops have a role to play in the growth of the Church and laity does too. I don’t have to accept anything the bishops say if it goes against what the Church teaches.