Uh. What?
The heresy factory known as the Methodist Church states that ministers should refrain from using terms like “husband” or “wife” because that can be offensive because…people are offended by reality or something.
If some people are offended by the Bible, does that mean you should reject that too? The Methodists clearly think so.
Calvin Robinson writes:
But where is all of this coming from? This manipulation of our language and erasure of our Christian values? Marxism.
The school of thought identified as Critical Theories is a contemporary take on Marxism and the theories of Karl Marx. This neo-Marxism is an amended, extended and adapted form of Marxism to deal with 20th/21st century worldviews.
Liberals would argue that in order to be inclusive, one must acknowledge alternative lifestyles. We must take on board that some lifestyles do not include a husband and a wife but rather two husbands or two wives. In some cases, we are even seeing a push towards polygamy, not only breaking down the heterosexual element of marriage but also the equally important monogamous aspect.
But where Liberalism forces the expansion of what is appropriate or acceptable in a contemporary setting, Marxism forces the overriding or replacement of what is appropriate or acceptable. Liberals would say that disordered lifestyles are equal to ordered lifestyles, whereas Marxists would go a step further and say disorder must replace order. Liberalism is the entry mechanism for Marxism, which is quite literally evil, undermining God’s order.
Liberalism teaches that heteronormativity is an option among other options. Marxism, via the Critical Theories, teaches that heteronormativity must be destroyed. The phrase ‘smash heteronormativity’ is often used by proponents of Queer Theory, Gender Theory, and even Critical Race Theory.
When the Methodist Church says ministers should no longer use the terms husband and wife, it is showing support for Marxism by partaking in the smashing of heteronormativity. To replace God’s order with the devil’s disorder. At the very least, the Methodist Church is saying it is more afraid of the world than it is of God.
The problem is clear. It is not possible to be both a communist and a Christian.
One must make a choice: God’s way or the way of the world.
Me again. That is the choice facing us all. The world or God?
The choice is yours?
The Methodist Church has um…chosen poorly.
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