How do I tell you I’m not Catholic without telling you I’m not Catholic? Here’s a pretty good way.
OK. So the official policy of St. Norbert’s College in Wisconsin is that there are only two genders but professors will continue teaching students that there are many genders.
In other words, we’ll continue calling ourselves Catholic for the rubes who keep donating money and sending their children to us thinking we’re Catholic while we seek to undermine our student’s faith and indoctrinate them into miserable scolding woke-ists who wander the world without any inkling about grace and salvation.
Here’s my favorite quote from the piece at New Ways Ministry:
“You don’t even have the option to check a little box anymore. How is that going to affect these students? It’s going to be catastrophic. They’re completely erasing the human dignity of the person by not giving them the freedom to express who they are,” Clark (a senior) said.
Not being able to check a box is “catastrophic?”
No. What happened in Asheville, North Carolina was catastrophic.

This is not catastrophic.

So, either the administrators at St. Norbert’s are lying about gender when the school itself says they’re only two genders, in line with Catholic teaching or they’re teaching young people a lie. Those are your only two options. Either they’re lying or they’re teaching your children a lie.
In the piece, Gracelyn Giese, a women and gender studies minor, said that the change contradicts what she has been taught in her classes. Surprise. Surprise.
“What’s going to happen to this entire department if the school is saying that they’re following the new Catholic interpretation and belief system of there’s only two, there’s only two genders?” she asked. “That goes against what some of my classes for the past 3½ years have been teaching and have been discussing.”
Joe Webb, vice president for Student Affairs, promised in a carefully worded statement that was approved by H.R. said that the change will not impact curriculum.
“Inclusivity is one of our college’s core values; it is at the heart of who we are. This is simply the college aligning its gender identity language and policies with the principles recently set forth by the Catholic church. All services and benefits for all students, faculty and staff remain intact,” Webb wrote in a statement to the Press-Gazette on the policy change.
“There are no plans to change any curriculum or teaching practices based on this alignment. This alignment in no way changes the college’s ongoing commitment to creating a safe and supportive community where every individual is deeply respected.”
You said “inclusivity” is the heart of what you do as a Catholic school. Um. You spelled “Jesus” wrong.
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