This is an odd story but I like it. I’m not even going to use any bad puns even though every instinct is calling me to.

A 54- year-old Jesuit priest Fr Jerry S.J nearly sweats blood for the people. Fr. Jerry has so far donated his ‘O’ negative group blood 138 times.

Fr Jerry, a social activist and associate vicar of St Antony’s Church of Park Town slum parish in North Madras city, donated his blood for the first time at the age of 19 when he was a Jesuit novitiate, to a young critical patient struggling for his life and his relatives asking anyone and everyone to donate ‘O’ negative blood.

When the relatives of the patient approached him, Jerry volunteered to donate his blood and the blood transfusion enabled the patient to survive. The incident thrilled him. Since then Jerry has religiously donated his blood in every three months’ interval and at times, in cases of emergency, in shorter intervals.

Man, that Jesuit’s a real liter in the community! I’m sorry. I’m weak.