Church of the Day: St. Hyacinth’s, Chicago
——D Mac continues his fascinating series on the Catholic churches of Chicago.

I Am Only A Father
——Every day we make decisions that define us.

Calling Abe Foxman
——Outlandish! Insensitive! And of course, True!

Hour of Mercy in Everyday Life
——How Bill Gates can help you pray.

September Morn
——An ode to the motu proprio.

Catholic Church-A-Day: Chicago
——D Mac’s series on the Churches of Chicago.

A Back to School Story And Modern Day Miracle
——Tommy believed in miracles and now so do I.

Nepal airline sacrifices goats
—— I would have thought that mechanics would have been a good idea. I am definitely not redeeming my frequent flier miles on this airline. HT to Mark Shea.

New Religious Life, New Architecture
——Reasons for hope in sacred architecture