Ben-e-DEE-to! Ben-e-DEE-to!
—Noonan on Pope Benedict.

Is Catholic Church the New Enron?
—Is the company about to go under?

Obama Flips Clinton The Bird!
—I don’t care what kind of denials the man issues, I think he did this on purpose!

That’s One Big Pope!
—The Pope is bigger than we thought!

Mass Outrage: No Extraordinary Ministers!
—After the multicultural musical mayhem that occurred yesterday, progressives still aren’t happy.

Shock! Do You Want Fries With That?
—Super sized liturgies now come with fries!

Liar: Yale Abortion Story a Hoax
—Disgusting hoax is supposed to be art?

Dems Strip “Objectionable Language” about Pope
—Now if we could only remove those objectionable members of congress.

Liturgical Music – New Amazon Flavor!
—Raymond Arroyo puts a fine point on the embarrassing music at the papal liturgy.

Our Badly Misunderstood Pope
—It’s great having the Pope here if only to see how shallow our country’s media really is. Like a puddle.

Miyagi Wisdom – Longenecker Style
—Has anyone ever seen Fr. Dwight Longenecker and Mr. Miyagi at the same time?