Alert! Beware! Enter at Your Own Risk! No killing happens here! In fact, no violence at all! You will only find love and counseling during a very difficult time of your life. Beware!
The Michigan Daily reports:
FemDems, the Women’s Issues Committee of the University’s chapter of College Democrats, is working to implement legislation in Ann Arbor that would require pregnancy centers that don’t offer or make referrals for abortions or birth control services to post disclaimer signs.
The potential legislation is modeled after a city council bill that passed in Baltimore, Md. last year on Nov. 23. 2009. The new law requires the disclaimer signs to be conspicuously posted in the waiting rooms of limited-service pregnancy centers and to be easily readable and written in both English and Spanish, according to the bill.
LSA sophomore Brendan Campbell, co-chair of the FemDems, said the group will soon begin working with the Ann Arbor City Council to try and develop a similar bill. Eventually the group would like to see the legislation move on to Washtenaw County and, later, the entire state, so that all women in Michigan will be provided with accurate information, he said.
So the people who are for killing babies want the people who want to accept babies into the world to put up signs warning people that they don’t kill babies. Could the world get more upside down?
Wait! I’ve got an idea. Why not make pro-life Christians wear armbands so that everyone will know who they are. And maybe they could be made to live in certain areas just with each other. That would be a great solution wouldn’t it?
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