For what it is worth, the latest betting at Intrade has seen Scott Brown surge to a 67-35 lead. I know that Intrade has been a somewhat reliable prediction engine in the past and I hope it is correct now.
In my latest post at the National Catholic Register I take a look at the odd circumstances of the Massachusett(e)s Senate election in “Catholics Pray the Catholic Loses”
Pro-lifers everywhere are on pins and needles waiting to see the fate of the abortion funding Obamacare bill.
As Catholic pro-lifers we have tried everything we could to stop this bill or at the very least stop the funding of abortion. First there was the Stupak amendment, but as many congress-watchers knew at the time that it would likely make little difference. The real battle has always been in the Senate and they don’t care about abortion in the Senate. Heck, the ostensibly pro-life Senator Bob Casey of Pennsylvania folded before the cards were even dealt proving once and for all that the only life he is pro is his own.
But then, then…
January 18, 2010 at 3:13 pm
I almost think that old Ted K. himself is pulling the strings here…now in heaven, having seen the horrific truth of what his life stood for while on earth, wanting to make amends, willing his seat to Scott Brown to put a roadblock in front of the train-wreck healthcare bill.
I almost think that.
January 18, 2010 at 4:00 pm
@JstThhinkin: I may be wrong and I hope that I am; however, I seriously doubt that Ted is up there. A tree falls where it leans and through all his political career, Ted has done nothing but promote and support abortion laws and policies that led to the carnage of 50 million of God's innocent children. The Church has been warning him all the time, but he chose to ignore and oppose these. His last letter to the Pope contains a self promotion of his accomplishments without any thought about the abortion problem. So, if I may be so direct he is most likely in hell for all eternity; he can't pull any string down there. His bishop will answer dearly for his loss. This should have been a lesson to all the other bishops so that they will slap some sense to abortion promoters before time is up.
January 18, 2010 at 5:25 pm
@Rick: I think it is always important to remember that we do not know where Ted Kennedy ended up. Maybe he had a sincere change of heart when he died and therefore maybe he did not go the hell. God is a very merciful person and we should rememeber that. Then again maybe he did not and maybe he is in hell. We will not know until we get there ourselves.
As a side note, I must say that this was interesting to read the poll numbers. This morning I had heard on Good Morning America, that Coakley and Brown were in a dead heat but everything that I read (here and at other places) says that Brown is way out ahead of Coakley. I cannot help thinking that GMA just showed their media bias.
January 18, 2010 at 7:11 pm
Rick, I agree, but I'm just giving him the benefit of the doubt. Here's my favorite article on why, by the Bishop of my diocese:
I think his pathetic letter to the Holy Father at the end there is evidence that he knows he was wrong and was merely attempting to plead his case–in quite a pathetic fashion.
Of course, as Cheri said, we'll never know in this life how things turned out for him. Hence my "almost" thinking in my original comment.
And in the meantime, I'm cheering for Brown and can't wait to see how it turns out!
January 18, 2010 at 8:21 pm
Like I said, no one wants Ted to go to hell but, it is very likely because he's hardened his heart over many years and that is not likely to change at the moment of death – barring a miracle. And I want to be hard and cold about this because bishops need to do more excommunications. I know that one excommunicated an owner of an abortion clinic formally, with the letter and all, but they need to do more and go for the speaker of the – house,senators, congressmen – the movers and shakers But I think they're afraid to touch the powerful; there's a word for that.