CNN quoted NOW President Terry O’Neill saying something so outlandish I’m surprised CNN quoted it. Well not really but…you know.
“A fetus is not a life, sorry,” NOW President Terry O’Neill told CNN. “And no, nobody’s religious conviction justifies taking women’s ability to shape their own futures away from them.”
OK. Where do I start?
Uhm. Whether fetus is life is inarguable. To say it’s not is anti-science. I know us conservative types are the antediluvian primates who are anti-science and all but what O’Neill said is just imbecilic.
A fetus is not life? That’s not the question. The question of life is scientific. She might argue that it’s not life worthy of human respect, which is also absurd, but at least she’d have been attempting a moral argument rather than a scientific one.
The fact that CNN didn’t press her on this ridiculous assertion tells you all you need to know about CNN.
Proaborts lie. They do. Sorry. But to be fair, they have to in order to support their decision.
The part where O’Neill says “nobody’s religious conviction justifies taking women’s ability to shape their own futures away from them” is also laughable. If you ask me pro-abortion types should probably shy away from talking about taking people’s futures away from them.” Just sayin’. It kinda’ rings hollow.
But the point is that O’Neill obviously shuns both science and religious convictions as ways to shape her opinion on abortion. So what in her life instructs her position other than power? Nothing as far as I can see.
My thought to O’Neill is: Get a life.
January 26, 2010 at 9:28 pm
No brainer.
January 26, 2010 at 10:11 pm
The people who use the term 'fetus' to differentiate between life and non-life are beyond help. A simple study of the origin of the word 'fetus' shows that it is of Latin origin and means 'offspring.' The offspring of a human being is another human being. There is no magical process by which the fetus is transformed into a human being. To say, 'its not a baby, its a fetus,' is as ridiculous as saying 'its not a baby, its the offspring of a human being.'
Like I said beyond help. Only a miracle could cure this form of willful ignorance.
January 26, 2010 at 10:16 pm
My irony detector went off the scale when I read the last three words in your post.
January 27, 2010 at 12:06 am
Two questions to ask in this situation:
"Isn't it alive, because it certainly isn't dead?"
"Is it human, because it sure ain't a cactus."
Then arises the question about whether it is a person. And by that point, you've come pretty far.
January 27, 2010 at 12:22 am
This has been the foundation of the massive, 50,000,000 infanticide that we have in the United States and label "abortion". What else can one call it when a terrified unborn baby is destroyed in the supposed safety her/his mother's womb? Any civilized nation would not even have a NOW or NARAL or Planned Parenthood justifying this demonic madness befitting the Nazis. And shame on CNN and those who promote it.
January 27, 2010 at 12:49 am
The contrast between the two pictures on the CNN article says more than any article ever could. Elderly abortion advocates promoting a doomed cause versus fresh faced young people who know they're on the right side of history. The tide is turning ever so slowly.
January 27, 2010 at 1:30 am
The other argument I've heard is that: regardless of what it is, it's in my body so I can do what I want with it.
The tide is turning. This generation knows it's the survivors. We know we are the lucky ones and that some of our generation is missing.
January 27, 2010 at 3:36 am
My thought on O'Neill . . . who's O'Neill?
January 27, 2010 at 4:01 am
Reportedly, in Italy if you hit and kill a sheep in the road you have to pay for the loss of that sheep and all of its potential offspring.
In America, if you kill a baby, people pay you instead.
Apparently, holding a line of logic through to the end is also optional.
January 27, 2010 at 4:26 am
I say we "give in" and start calling it a fetus, too…then just fight for "fetal rights".
January 28, 2010 at 6:22 pm
I think she was once a fetus herself. Hmmmm.
January 29, 2010 at 4:39 am
by lome;
It is written in the sriptures that there are times when God permit some to believe in lies with all their might to their own damnation.
In most cases as we were taught,that only prayers and fasting for their behalf can help.
Theirs is very dark indeed, What if they repented of their sins and go to heaven? Satan wont allow it if he can help it…
January 29, 2010 at 2:11 pm
fantastic idea: fight for "fetal rights" ! Indeed we were all "fetus" once!
January 30, 2010 at 5:43 am
What about the time before an embryo is implanted? What is the truth about this and what do folks on both sides say?