Really, I think that it is time we have some sort of membership test for being Catholic. Some sort of certificate that you meet at least the basic definition of adherence to the faith and remain in good standing. Further, before any journalist can quote you saying “As a Catholic” validation of status must be checked.
This is necessary to avoid the aggravation of listening to the Nacy Pelosis and Patrick Kennedys of the world opine on matters religious as if their opinion mattered. But this is surely not just a U.S. phenomenon. Case in point. Member of the European Parliament from Britain Stephen Hughes had this to say about the Pope’s defense of religious liberty.
Speaking at a meeting of the European Parliament’s Socialists and Democrats in Rome, Stephen Hughes criticised Pope Benedict’s concern that the Equality Bill would restrict religious groups from acting in accordance with their faith.
‘As a Catholic, I am appalled by the attitude of the Pope. Religious leaders should be trying to eradicate inequality, not perpetuate it,’ Hughes said in a statement reproduced on his website. ‘Instead of criticising the UK’s plans to improve its legislation, the Pope should ensure that existing EU legislation is properly applied in the Vatican,’ Hughes said.
The Pope, who announced the first papal visit to Britain since 1982 on Monday, urged Bishops from England and Wales to make a convincing case against legislation that could force churches to hire homosexuals or transsexuals. He said the legislation violates natural law and told the visiting bishops they should fight it with ‘missionary zeal.’ Human Rights groups have hit back at the Pope’s comments.
Yeah, sorry mate. It says here that your membership dues are not up to date. You can’t say that you are a Catholic. If you just head down to you local Catholic membership office, its the big building with the steeple, they can remedy this problem in a jiff. Just sign on the dotted line that you have read and agree with everything in the Catechism and then I can quote you. Until then, well, you know, members only.
February 2, 2010 at 5:15 pm
Why should we pay attention to Stephen Hughes any more than we would to Ricky Gervais, "creator of "The Office" and star of a few movies"? Both are self promoters and rather dull.
It's obvious that the Honorable Hughes missed the class reading of "Animal Farm" when he was still in knickers and picking his nose. And it's more than obvious that His Holiness paid close attention to Orwell's warnings about Marxist tyranny under the guise of equality.
I think that tens of millions of Russians, Jews, East Europeans, Tatars, Chechens, Chinese, and Tibetans, et al, slaughtered in the name of Marxist "equality" can also attest to the consequences of these types of provisions.
February 2, 2010 at 5:40 pm
the Pope should ensure that existing EU legislation is properly applied in the Vatican
Is he kidding me?
February 2, 2010 at 6:08 pm
I think you're on to something Patrick. Rather have a card that shows that a Catholic is in good standing, I think we need bishops who can respond in a timely and pit-bullish manner to call these doodads for what they are – short of excommunicating them. We've seen bishops here do that to Nancy Pelosi and Pat Kennedy.
February 2, 2010 at 7:22 pm
Mormons do this already. They have lists/roles and do a check anytime you want to enter the Temple. Mostly, it's to make sure your membership dues (tithing) are paid up though.
February 2, 2010 at 8:05 pm
The AMA or ABA would pull a doctor's or lawyer's membership and a state strip him of his right to practice if he were to deviate as far from the acceptable standards that those professions require practitioners to adhere to as some self-styled "Catholic" politicians do from the Church's teachings. Why should Mother Church treat her members any differently? Sign me up!
February 2, 2010 at 9:56 pm
This comment has been removed by the author.
February 3, 2010 at 12:22 am
We could all wear a mark on our right hands or foreheads… (that ought to cause a bit of a stir).