I Am…

Awesomely Humble. Sometimes, no sooner do I hit my knees when I start thinking about how wonderful I am to take time out of my day to pray. I’m like a short chubby St. Teresa of Avila, bursting with humility. And then because I’m so wonderful at being humble I start fretting about all those other bad people who are not as wonderfully humble as me and aren’t praying this very minute. I am so glad I am not them, the poor Hell-bound dears.

Lazy. Even though I know that the time I spend in prayer is a source of strength that I can draw on so that I can do well in all the other facets of my life, I tend to schedule it as catch when can. In between blogging, watching Phineas & Ferb, and getting dinner on the table I’ll find some time to thank God for creating the world, my family, me and loving us all so intensely that He sent His Son to die for our sins. I’ll get to God. He just has to be a little patient.

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