Santorum calls Jihad “evil” and says Sharia has no place in America.
I think a shared nightmare among GOP political consultants starts with, “Rick Santorum walked up to the microphone…” Seriously, if Rick Santorum has media handlers I think he’s gagged them because he so often says what he thinks and that’s just not what politicians are supposed to do.
Say what you want about his electoral chances, you can’t watch or read anything about politics without discovering a new Santorum scandal every other week. I love all of Santorum’s “newest scandals” reported breathlessly in the news. I always tune in expecting something horrible like he pick-pocketed Lindsey Lohan but I’m often disappointed because I kinda’ agree with whatever he’s saying. (Am I scandalous?!)
March 14, 2011 at 9:35 am
Naturally the left has to attack Senator Santorum without actually
addressing the substance of his statements–because how can they
mount a reasonable argument that a totalitarian system like jihadist
sharia is not irreconcilable with our Constitution and the Bill of Rights?
Under sharia law the former Senator, with his outspoken defense of
traditional sexual morality and family life, would probably have less
to fear than the left in this nation, with its commitment to moral
relativism and sexual license. Yet it is the Senator who is denouncing
the jihadists, while the left merely scores cheap political points by
attacking him for his pains. I believe it is because Santorum is
fundamentally opposed to any totalitarian system imposing itself on
American society that he speaks out. As we saw in the decades of the
Cold War, when America's left winked at the horrors of Communism,
the left has no such fundamental revulsion toward totalitarianism.
March 14, 2011 at 5:46 pm
Santorum always gets a bad rap from the Liberal press and most especially from Dan Savage, because he does not fear to call sin and vice by their real names. I have yet to find myself disagreeing with him whenever he speaks about "life issues."
His economic views, however, are totally whacked out!
March 14, 2011 at 9:33 pm
Not just economic views, but he is a super-fly weight when if comes to foreign policy and national security.
By now anyone who thinks that these are not hypercritical issues to our daily lives might as well just, well, vote for Ron Paul I guess.
I am glad to hear about his stance on Jihad. Welcome – and good morning.
Too bad, because I like the guy. Just wish he'd DONE something about those issues while in office.
We don't have a lot of good choices out there…
Allen West and Michelle Bachman?….
Allen West and Paul Ryan?
Allen West and….
Allen West is also worth a look.