Following Corapi’s example, we announce a major change in our lives!!!
What? Too soon?
Following Corapi’s example, we announce a major change in our lives!!!
What? Too soon?
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June 22, 2011 at 4:30 pm
This is a terrific satire of his announcement. I want to hear all the people saying how wrong it is to mock him, I want to hear them, but the guy is throwing off his vows, for pete's sake! The satire is spot-on: how can we accept Corapi as a teacher of the Catholic faith, or as a 'sheepdog' when he publicly repudiates his own supposedly lifelong vows? The fact that he talks up the decision with a sharp media presentation, that he characterizes this repudiation as a 'good opportunity'… that simply demands mocking.
June 22, 2011 at 4:54 pm
Matthew wrote:
This is a terrific satire of his announcement.
You're welcome to your opinion, certainly. Skillfully done? Sure. "Terrific?" In the eye of the beholder, apparently.
I want to hear all the people saying how wrong it is to mock him,
Fine… I'll say it again, clearly: IT'S WRONG TO MOCK HIM.
I want to hear them, but the guy is throwing off his vows, for pete's sake!
I'm well aware of that. If you concluded with saying that "this is wrong, and we have every right to feel upset, angry, and even betrayed", then I'd agree with you, heart and soul. But you'll need tp explain to me how this gives a God-sanctioned license for mocking a (hopefully temporarily) fallen priest… or anyone, for that matter.
The satire is spot-on:
Can you understand why I'm calling that fact (and yes, it is a fact) utterly irrelevant?
how can we accept Corapi as a teacher of the Catholic faith, or as a 'sheepdog' when he publicly repudiates his own supposedly lifelong vows?
Perhaps you can't, for now. Refusing to trust him until he repents would be a completely understandable (and morally licit) response. Mocking is not, especially in this case; we're trying to call Fr. Corapi BACK to the truth, aren't we? Do you think that this would make it easier or harder for a man in the grip of wounded pride to come back?
The fact that he talks up the decision with a sharp media presentation, that he characterizes this repudiation as a 'good opportunity'… that simply demands mocking.
No, it doesn't. It demands response and rejection (and even repudiation), yes… but to say that it "demands" that we vilify and mock him is crazy-talk. We're not free to choose whatever methods we please, simply because we're ticked off. That oft-unused virtue of "temperance" (i.e. self-control, moderation) really does apply, here.
June 22, 2011 at 6:56 pm
Paladin … I agree. It's not right to mock him. It's just not right, period! There is no love or compassion on this site. The pettiness and vindictiveness are too much. Talk about kicking a man on his way down. This is demonic.
June 22, 2011 at 7:59 pm
We wised to point out the absurdity of Corapi's intentionally very public statements. We chose to do that with satire. Silly ideas should be satirized.
That said, we do pray for Corapi. I have been his defender in the past and I pray and hope he changes his mind.
That said, as long as he is making foolish public statements, we will continue to call them foolish.
June 22, 2011 at 8:39 pm
Patick-you pray for him yet you mock him? Will you please think about that?
June 22, 2011 at 8:50 pm
Folks, folks, remember the crowd we are dealing with here. These guys have been thirsting for Corapi's blood for many years, and now that they smell it they can't control themselves.
There's no real argument here: The video is funny AND offensive at the same time. This is not that so rare a phenomenon, after all.
I'm sure Shea will be "weighing" in soon, too. He has replied to the new blog honoring him, at last:
June 22, 2011 at 9:18 pm
I find this very funny and love it even though I don't yet buy into the assessments that Fr. Corapi has abandoned vows or his priesthood, or that this is an ego trip, or that what he is up to will necessarily harm the Church.
If more internet travelers will be visiting the blog of the Archbolds to enjoy this hilarious video, then I say that justice is prevailing!
For my part on a good day I will go with the beagle from that Bugs Bunny episode ("I caught a train!")…
Well done, Archbolds. In the photo which is Patrick and which is Matthew?
June 23, 2011 at 1:27 am
Some of the people on this thread really make me laugh. I am accused of being a liberal Catholic who just couldn't wait to get Corapi.
How stupid.
June 23, 2011 at 1:38 am
Yes, Archbold, your post about Corapi removes all doubt that you are reveling in his troubles.
Son, back in the old days, when Doktor Goebbels wanted to start a rumor, he would call up obscure German-language papers in places like Argentina and New York and tell them to run stories *denying* whichever rumor he was trying to start.
Your piece on Corapi reads like a defense–or at least a reasoned analysis–but it simply allowed you to posture as "objective" so that you could let slip the dogs (chihuahuas) of war when the time came. You and your fellow traveler Shea are easy to spot.
By the way, new info on Shea's past has been discovered and revealed here:
June 23, 2011 at 1:48 am
Having "blog- hopped" today, I've been hearing a lot of criticism of this post as uncharitable. Now I feel guilty for my previous comment.
June 23, 2011 at 1:55 am
I agree with anonymous of 6/21 at 8:30am and Paladin. The analogy – and humor – fail miserably. I appreciate the words of Bishop Gracida who obviously has a bishop's perspective on these matters.
June 23, 2011 at 3:05 am
Breaking news: Mark Shea may have lied about his service record in Troop 1001 of the Girl Scouts…more here:
June 23, 2011 at 1:28 pm
"Reveling in his troubles"? No, I don't see that. They poke fun at themselves and it is very funny. I for one really appreciate that the Archbolds help us narrowly avoid mass freak-out over something which is not in anyone's control and is disturbing on many levels. And they have defended Fr. Corapi before.
And not only do I not appreciate this garbage about the Archbold's "liberalism" (whatever that means) but further I will never visit a site which slanders another blogger, ever. These Catholic bloggers all do important work for the Church and our culture. This is not a matter of an encyclical, a teaching from the magisterium, this is more or less an issue of current events and on its significance or interpretation we are free to disagree and it certainly has no bearing on "liberal" or "conservative" which are stupid labels to attach to any Catholic in this day and age anyway. They are authentically Catholic. If you don't like the opinion on a given issue, comment about the issue. If you don't like the blog, don't read it, it's still a free country.
June 23, 2011 at 4:59 pm
Pat, I do hope that you watch Michael Voris's video today regarding Catholic bloggers blogging on the Corapi case:
You must watch this as it applies to you and your lack of charity regarding Fr. Corapi.
June 23, 2011 at 5:19 pm
Augusta, if you think all of the bloggers are "authentically Catholic," you have some homework to do.
It's nice of you to invite me to comment, but some bloggers censor their comboxes to further the spin they are spinning. (I will say, here, kudos to the Archbolds for leaving my posts up; you-know-who would never do so, and he may resent your decision.)
The bottom line for me is that a Certain Blogger has put himself in a position where the important criticisms of his views cannot be made. I have, in keeping with a very old tradition, begun to use *satire* to expose his Shea-nanigans.
June 23, 2011 at 5:21 pm
@Jay Mcnally, thanks for including the link to the good bishop's insights. It provided some very helpful background and a refreshing perspective.
June 23, 2011 at 5:51 pm
Some of this cruel behavior is taliban like. Shea is the head of the taliban. In some sick way, he considers it his duty to "expose" Corapi. He is doing a political honor killing. I have no hope for Shea. If you dare post a dissenting comment on his board, he removes it or shuts down all comments. I do hope that some of his followers will see the light however.
As far as Archbold, I have some hope as he is allowing dissent on this board so he must have a somewhat open mind. I hope Archbold softens his heart and retracts his vicious video.
Thank you for allowing me to post.
June 23, 2011 at 6:04 pm
No Catholic blogger is infallible. Each has his or her own talents. And each has his or her own imperfections which can be more or less visible via a blog. Most just gather stories of topical interest to Catholics and add their two cents. Some with humor. Most are talented as writers or in media but are not necessarily trained to be spiritual guides to great numbers no matter how many official followers. No one will be agreed with, all of the time. We can disagree about certain things and remain together with the Church. And if one thinks a blogger has gone overboard in one respect or has misjudged, then, the solution isn't to then condemn them which only sparks a vicious cycle. Someone has to take the high road first otherwise it will be an endless attack over a situation over which we have no control, no power, and really not sufficient knowledge at this point to know for sure what is going on. We can look at various things, see what the appearances are, and formulate an opinion which will still be iffy at best. Charity and prayer are not about our emotions to things, even if we are people who are "always" right or "never" right about gut feelings. We have to do it anyway.
This was not a preacher who preached, himself and his own organization. He preached the truth. At this point he seems abandoned and what he is doing is beyond our powers of comprehension. So what if a couple bloggers went off the deep end in reaction.
And yes, authentically Catholic is something which is verifiable and dissent is something that the less sophisticated to the highly learned can easily recognize and are well within their rights to call out. If you don't see that a Catholic blogger suggests dissent, then whatever we may disagree about is not so paramount that we have to then launch attack and counter attack. Let it go. There is enough evil for one day…
Not every authentically Catholic blogger is everyone's cup of tea. That is OK. There are many worthwhile things that need doing. We need to show support to the Church right now in tangible ways.
June 23, 2011 at 9:52 pm
Shea update…cookies targeted for "Traditional" status?
June 23, 2011 at 10:20 pm
My how the Devil prowls these Catholic web sites!
"MAKE PEACE WITH ONE ANOTHER!" Can we not disagree with the actions of this priest and simply be sad for and pray for him? Why must people flay him as well. Hasn't he done enough to himself? Why pile on? It is NOT RIGHT!
Does anyone think that Jesus is pleased by ANY of this?
We should all get on our knees and, if you are praying for someone, you may want to offer some kind of help not additional hurt to him.
Our fallen brother! How sad in every way! NOT RIGHT!