I’m sitting by the pool watching my five kids cheat at Marco Polo in the pool with their cousins. They’ve been in the pool for almost two hours when my four year old comes running over to show me her wrinkled hands. But she doesn’t want to get out of the pool. She just thinks it’s cool to have “little old lady hands.”
I’m watching the kids and reading a piece by President Obama’s former budget director Peter Orszag who seems to think summer vacation is making kids dumb and fat. I guess he wants to get rid of it.
August 3, 2012 at 5:24 pm
I think we should keep summer vacation sacred. The month of July is the most important month of the year. Especially in a kid's life. Kids are more busy than ever with little free play. Most play now is structured athletics and/or dance. July is the month for free play and is needed desperately by all.
August 3, 2012 at 6:25 pm
I don't see any reason to listen to what people in this administration
have to say about how to raise children. As pro-abortion as they are,
I think they don't even like children.
August 3, 2012 at 6:39 pm
"But I think the gist of the gasp seems to be that the government can take their summer vacation when they take it out of my kids shivering wrinkled hands."
Awesome. Just awesome.